Chapter 45 Back Home

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Elsewhere, Shoto came off of the stage as another dancer cleaned up his money from the floor. The omegas went into the locker room to wipe his face and chance. The club wasn't as busy but Snow knew that his regulars would be there all through the week, so he never missed a day.

"Snowflake" Midnight called from her desk.

"Here" she said handing him a rubber band. "Yours is about to pop."

"Thanks" he said going to his locker to get dressed. He opened his locker to check his cellphone to see 10 missed called from Dabi. Along with several unkind messages.

"Hey Shoto, hold up."

Peaches ran up to the red and white omega, his expression full of concern. "You heard about what happened? I haven't seen Izara or Denara since they were taken out by that group. Have you heard anything about them?" The dancer chewed on his nails as he looked around. He had been the only real friend Izuku and Denki had made here. In truth, some of the dancers were happy to see them gone, which made Peaches annoyed. The dancers had been angry about the new dancer getting so much attention.

"I don't know shit about those newbies" Shoto rolled his eyes as he pulled out his next outfit. "There's plenty of people that work here a few days get the lucky streak then go. It may be what happened. Anyway, not my business and it isn't yours either."

Shoto shut his locker and left to the back patio. He pulled out his vape and started to smoke it. He looked at his phone and read over Dabi's messages growling not him.


The door shut behind Shoto with more force than normal. The loud bang made the omega spin around to see who was there. The patio was normally empty around this time.

"You know those things are very unhealthy, right?" a man in a black and grey mask spoke, lowering his hand from the door. Suddenly he spoke again, refuting himself. "They're wonderful for anyone on a diet. And such delicious flavors." This guy had on a full body suit that was all black except for a white line down the middle.

Another man stepped out of the shadows, he wore a crimson pinstripe suit with a black vest on. He wore a top hat and a flat mask with black lines swirling over the front of it. "There's someone who needs to speak you, my lovely snowflake. He says you've been ignoring him, and surely you know that he doesn't like being ignored."

"You think I'm suppose to give a shit what he wants? And stop calling me that, it's not sexy when you do it" Shoto shot back trying not to sound spooked by the sudden visitor. Ever since Dabi got banned from coming to the Pynk he'd been blowing Shoto up. The omega didn't want to help his brother find ways to get more omegas to work for him from the inside. All of the ones that openly claimed Dabi were fired. "Tell him to FUCK OFF, but I'll see him at home. Look, I'm just trying to work. Then I'll be out of his hair forever!" Shoto make a snarky smile as he started to vape again. He moved toward the bench to sit down and cross his legs. It was warm out, so he didn't need a jacket.

"You think I'm suppose to give a shit what he wants? And stop calling me that, it's not sexy when you do it" Shoto shot back trying not to sound spooked by the sudden visitor. Ever since Dabi got banned from coming to the Pynk he'd been blowing Shoto up. The omega didn't want to help his brother find ways to get more omegas to work for him from the inside. All of the ones that openly claimed Dabi was fired. "Tell him to FUCK OFF, but I'll see him at home."

"I don't think you want to anger your brother right now" the man said calmly not phased by Shoto's sassy attitude.

"Look, im just trying to work. Then I'll be out of his hair forever!" Shoto make a snarky smile as he started to vape again. He moved toward the bench to sit down and cross his legs. It was warm out, so he didn't need a jacket.

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