Thirty five

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Katsuki pov - 7:45pm

I shoved my homework aside and stood up from my desk. I'll finish it later, maybe. I grabbed the dinner plates from earlier, I decided to eat in my room. The old hag had made things even more awkward, she swears nothings wrong. And Masaru just follows along like a little puppy. That makes them both horrible liars.

I headed down the hallway where the old hag sat on the couch, the tv was playing quietly. It was raining and you could hear the pitter patter of the rain hitting the roof, it was already that time of the year. She sat there with a cup of red wine. That was her idea of 'winding down' on days like these. I never understood much of that middle age mom stuff.

I put the plate in the sink turning on the faucet. Little bits and pieces of the leftover food washed off. I didn't feel like washing it, I shut off the faucet and left it there. I turned to walk upstairs when I caught the old hag staring at me.

"Wash your plate please." She said turning back to the tv. I continued to walk upstairs, before she turned around again.
"Katsuki wash your plate." She set down her glass on the coffee table, slamming it a bit too hard.
"I'll do it later." I said continuing up the stairs. She stood up standing in front of the stairs.
"Katsuki." She said sternly. I turned around looking at her. She stood there with her arms crossed silently.
"Fine. Fine I'll wash the damn plate." I sighed making my way down again. I slightly brushed past her.
I felt her gaze behind my back for a few seconds before she went back to the living room. I rolled my eyes scrubbing.
Izuku pov

I felt bad for walking away. I also feel bad for leaving mom alone all these years. And of course I regret my decision. I thought I made that pretty clear. I should apologize.

I walked out into the living room looking for mom. She wasn't on the couch and much less in the kitchen. I turned around and towards her room. Her door was slightly open, I slowly peeked my head in.

She sat on the edge of her bed my eyes trailed to her hand. She was holding onto a piece of paper. I could hear her sniffing, her eyes puffy and red met mine. She quickly folded the paper and stuffed it in her pocket.
I opened the door completely standing outside of the doorway. I just stood there trying to say something, nothing came out. She quickly composed herself.

I stood there until a wave of realization hit me. That paper was my note, the note I left her before I-
"Is that my note?" I said in a little shock. Mom stayed silent. I choked back a little.
"Why?" I whispered, she shrugged.
"I'm still grieving." She said. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"But I'm here now, right?" I said, she just stayed silent. I felt confused and offended.
"Mom, all of that is in the past," she squeezed her eyes shut. Almost like she didn't want to listen to me, "I regret it. And I would never do it again." I said.

She looked back at me, "you still jumped." She said faint enough that I almost didn't catch it, almost. I looked at her, hurt obviously.
"What?!" Is all I could blurt out.

"You're grieving for me when I'm right here," I said, "that's a little disturbing." I watched something in her eyes click.
"Disturbing is having to see your body at the morgue." She snapped back, I couldn't say anything else. She opened her mouth again, "you were beyond unrecognizable, Izuku."

We stared at each other silently before she spoke again.
"A part of me died that day, being brought to life won't magically make the trauma disappear." She wiped her eyes.

I tensed up, feeling teary eyed I stormed to my room. I felt hurt and confused. Without thinking much I grabbed a jacket and my phone. I paced towards the front door struggling to put my shoes on. When I finally did I turned around, mom was crying silently in the hallway.

It pained me but I couldn't be here, I had to clear up my head. I opened the door, immediately a cold breeze ran through my body. The sky was dark at it was raining hard but I stepped out shutting the door behind me.

I raced downstairs towards the sidewalk and just began walking. Then walking turning into jogging. And soon enough I found myself running down the street. Stomping on every puddle I ran through. I didn't stop, my lungs felt like they were burning.

I went to the only place my mind could think of.

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