Twenty three

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Tsukauchi pov

The knob twisted and I was met with a short stubby woman. She wore a sleeping robe and her hair was tied in a bun.

Izuku resembled Inko very much. Izuku looked at me with nervousness. He stood a few steps back away from view.

"Inko Midoriya?" I asked she squeezed her eyes shut trying to adjust to the rays of sun. "Sorry I must've woken you up."

"I'm sorry, who are you?" She said finally making eye contact with me. I gave her a slight smile.

"Im detective Tsukauchi-" she cut me off. Her face changed from confusion to realization.

"You're that detective, the one that kept calling." She said pointing at me, like if she were accusing me of something.

"You we're talking all that nonsense over the phone," she furrowed her eyebrows "unbelievable

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"You we're talking all that nonsense over the phone," she furrowed her eyebrows "unbelievable."

"I truly apologize but I wasn't talking nonsense." I said hand over heart. I watched as Inko reached for her cellphone dialing 911.

(Nobody pov)

Izuku stood frozen listening from a distance, Tsukauchi motioned him further. That's when he took a step forward and stood on the doormat. In front of the doorway.

"I can't believe you have the audacity to show u-" Inko was looking down at her cellphone before she caught a glance of a second pair of legs.

Her sons legs.

She quickly glanced up only she wasn't looking at the detective anymore. She was met with the same green pair of eyes that she recognized immediately.

She gasped dropping the cellphone, bringing a hand to her mouth. The freckled face, the messy bed head, his favorite pair of red shoes. It was all there right in front of her.

It was him.

A single tear fell from her eye. Izuku wiped his tears away.

He turned to face her

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He turned to face her. And smiled.
"Mom?" He whispered under his breath. He stepped inside, towards her.

Inko wrapped her arms around him face still in shock. She hugged tightly fearing that if she let go he would disappear again. Izuku buried his face into his mother's chest.

"H-how?" She looked at the detective in disbelief. She gently cupped Izuku's face into her hands, she worryingly scanned his face.

"Izuku?!" Her hand trembled and she felt weak in her knees. Izuku nodded giving her a sad smile.

"It's me mom. I'm here."

"How is that possible, I saw your body, there was a funeral?!" She said caressing his face.

"Shall we take a seat?" The detective stood outside awkwardly.

"Ah! Yes. Come in." Inko said, shutting the door behind them. She lead them into the living room couch where Inko sat next to Izuku. Holding onto his hand tightly, still shaking from shock.

"I apologize for earlier." Inko quickly apologized, the detective laughed nervously. "It wasn't your fault." He reassured her.

"I'm sure you've heard the news by now on the infiltration of usj." He began to explain, Inko stayed silent only nodded.

"Well? Would you like to explain a bit further Izuku?" Izuku raised his head up, and opened his mouth.

"Ah, yea."

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