Thirty three

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Katsuki pov

I made it in class just in time for the bell to ring. I walked in as students were settling down. All Might walked in with a stack of papers. I sat down at the desk ignoring everyone.

"I'm sure you've heard of the unfortunate news students," he said setting down the papers facing the front of the classroom, "Aizawa is currently in the hospital his injuries are being closely monitored." All might stopped and cleared his throat.
"He is expected to make a full recovery in a few months."

The class sat silently not knowing what to say All Might broke the silence. "On another note UA has announced dorms on campus in order to improve security measures." The class broke out in small whispers.

I watched as All might grabbed the papers and passed them out to students. He stopped at my desk and set a sheet down. I grabbed it and read it as he went to the next desk.

It read UA residential consent form, I skimmed over the paragraph all the way towards the bottom of the page. Parent signature.

"It's best if this sheet gets signed by tomorrow because we'll be making arrangements for dorm tours and scheduling a time to move in your things." All might said lifting the sheet up before setting it down on the students desk. He returned to the front of the classroom and grabbed out a whiteboard marker.

"It's been a complicated few weeks for us, they advised us to not resume training until things have settled." He turned around and wrote some notes on the board.
"Which means well have a few easy days of class, just assignments here and there."
He turned around and gave the class a thumbs up.
4:36 pm - Katsuki pov

I walked home from school and I opened the front door where I saw the old hag handling groceries. She looked up at me and gave a quick smile. "Your back." She said putting the milk away.
"Yea." I said reaching for my backpack and handing her the slip from earlier. She looked at me before slowly taking it.

"Whats this?" She said darting her eyes on the page. I watched as she reached the bottom of the page and furrowed her eyebrows, confused.
"Dorms? When is this happening?" She said looking back at me.

"Tomorrow." I shrugged. She raised her eyebrows in surprise, "They really want to get this done huh?" I shrugged again.

She grabbed a pen and set the paper on the counter sloppily writing her name in cursive.
"There." She set the pen down, I slowly reached for the paper. "Thanks." I said going up the stairs.

"Dinners at 5!" The old hag said I slammed the door to my room.

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