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Mitsuki pov
I came home to a quiet house, this was unusual. I set down my keys on the counter and traveled upstairs. I reached Katsuki's front door and knocked lightly.

"Katsuki?" I said pressing my ear on the door. I heard footsteps and the door swung open. Katsuki stared back staying silent.

"What." He spoke up. "No, nothing I said. Just awfully quiet." I began to walk away when Katsuki's question made me freeze up.

"How was auntie Inko?" He said leaning on the doorway. I slightly turned around and gave him an awkward smile.

"Fine, just fine." Katsuki squinted his eyes. "What?" I said standing there.

"Nothing." He replied nonchalantly. I cleared my throat. "Where's your father?"

"In his study." I nodded and slowly made my way to the stairs. "Thanks." I said halfway down.

"Okayy?" He mumbled back, closing his door shut.
I walked down the downstairs hallway and entered Masaru's study. He sat in his chair holding papers and scribbling something on paper. He didn't notice me until I cleared my throat.

"Oh your back, sorry I just," he said fumbling with the stack of papers. He shoved them in a filing cabinet and looked up at me. "How was Inko?" He said.

I opened my mouth but quickly stopped myself. I turned around and shut the door behind me, locking it. Masaru raised an eyebrow.

I took a deep breath in preparing for what was about to come out of the mouth. "Izuku's alive." I let a sharp breath out.

There was no reaction instead Masaru just sat there and blinked. He scrunched up his face standing up from his desk. He walked towards me and gently rubbed my shoulders.

"Death is a complicated topic." He whispered making eye contact with me. This was his way of indirectly telling me that I was insane.
I sighed and threw his hands off me.

"I'm not crazy." I glared at him, he raised his hands away. "I'm wasn't saying that you were." He said backing up.

"Oh! I just remembered something!" He turned around and reached for a sticky note. He handed it to me and I read it. It was a phone number, "what's this?" I said.

"A detective called asking for questions, you know more about that stuff so," he shrugged. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"A detective?" I mumbled to myself. I squinted my eyes before I realized something. My face lit up and I took my phone out.

"What?" Masaru said looking at me confused. I looked at him bringing the phone to my face. "It's about Izuku." I said leaving the study.
Masaru pov

"Yes, hello?" Mitsuki walked off while on the phone.

I got lost in thought just standing there. Inko? Izuku? Alive? And a detective? I mean, the whole dead person coming back to life sounded impossible. But I know my wife, when she gets really serious she's not taking things lightly.

I shook my head and tried to get back to work.

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