14 - You look beautiful, Ami

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Third person

When Amihan awoke, she was back in the tavern and in Meliodas' bed. He was sat by her side, sleeping whilst his fingers were intertwined with hers. She smiled at the gesture, though it faltered as the memories of Handrickson filled her mind. She sat up in a sweat, her heart pounding and body screaming at her not to move.

"Meliodas!" She cried, removing her hand from his and shaking him. He bolted up and locked eyes with her, a little smile sitting on his lips.

"What the fuck happened?" She panted, trying to piece bits together but was failing.

"Don't worry, we defeated Hendrickson. And the Coffin of Eternal Darkness wasn't opened." Ami let out a sigh of relief and fell back into the bed, using her hands to run through her hair. She looked down and noticed it was turning half black and half her usual icy white.

"What the fuck?" She questioned, holding out a black strand. Meliodas' eyes widened as he held her cheeks and inspected her face for any other hint of her demon side. Her crimson eyes blinked back at him with confusion. Her eyebrows knotted together and an adorable pout settled on her lips.

"Does it at least look good?" She always thought she'd look stupid with dark hair as she was so pale, it would just wash her out. She was shocked as Meliodas smiled a toothy grin at her and stroked her cheek with the pad of his thumb.

"You look beautiful Ami." He murmured. Whilst usually it was Amihan who was transported into a memory, Meliodas had one of his own come to mind.

"I feel stupid Zel." Ami huffed as she stood infront of all three of the demon kings sons. She was trying to show her best friend her dress for the ball she had to attend, but she couldn't get used to herself looking so fancy. She wasn't expecting all three of them to be together, kitted out in their nicest suits. The sight made her more self conscious.

"If the shoe fits." He teased, taking her image in and memorising it like it would be the last time he saw her. She pouted at him and this brought Meliodas' attention to her full lips that were coated in a thick layer of red lipstick. She looked absolutely delicious.

"Come give me a hug before Zeldris takes ya away." Meliodas cheekily inserted himself into their conversation. Her cheeks went slightly red at his upfront demand in front of his siblings and tried to offer a snarky response, but was too flustered. The black suit with a matching tie and white dress shirt didn't help - the man looked positively divine. Zeldris knew about the kiss in the ballroom, Amihan informed him as soon as she could about it. He couldn't help but notice how Meliodas was slowly tearing her attention away from Zeldris and onto him.

Meliodas wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace, stroking the small of her back as he did. He smirked as she visibly shuddered at the intimate contact. He pulled back and placed his hands on her cheeks, staring straight into her dark purple eyes.

"You look beautiful, Ami. Stop being so insecure when we both know you'll be the best looking demon in the whole party." If the hug didn't make her flustered, she sure was now. She smiled warmly at him, a change for the girl who often came off as cold.

"Meliodas?" Amihan hummed, noticing the far away look in his eyes. He had a wider smile settled on his face from the memory and stared into Ami's eyes like he was reading her thoughts. She grew flustered under his stare.

"Sorry Ami, didn't mean to be weird." He chuckled, taking his hands away from her and sitting on them to prevent another moment like that occurring. They sat in a sweet silence for a moment, the only sound was their calming breaths as they both appreciated each other's presence.

Meliodas was full of guilt over the whole Hendrickson situation. He was not helpful to Amihan at all, and left her in dangerous situations, even though she offered herself to Hendrickson to save his life. It's like he got extreme tunnel vision on Elizabeth and couldn't stop it. It happened every different life both Amihan and Elizabeth lived. He put Elizabeth first 3000 years ago over Amihan and once the curse was placed, he was destined to do it for eternity. That was their punishment for their traitorous actions.

"Is everyone okay? Like Ban and the others?" Ami asked, tucking her hair behind her ears and getting more comfortable in the small bed. Meliodas' nodded with a yawn, stretching up to reveal his lack of shirt.

"Amihan, I want to say sorry. I'm really sorry for how I was to you in this battle. I should protect you and Elizabeth. You both mean a lot to me and it was a real jerk mood acting how I did." He finished with a shaky breath and pulled Ami into a tight hug, his erratic breathing easing as she shushed him and rubbed his back soothingly. He wasn't sure when, but he had started crying at one point. He wished he could apologise for hurting her every time her new lives began. For choosing Elizabeth over her countless times. She didn't deserve that. He knew that perhaps she would have been happier if she stayed with Zeldris, they were inseparable for so many years. But he couldn't risk having to fight against her and with Elizabeth. Sure, it could have been considered selfish. But he could never be an enemy to Ami, he cared for her too deeply to allow that.

"It's okay Meliodas. I understand. I'm used to it." Now, whilst Amihan's words hit Meliodas deep, she never intended that. He thought back to all the Ami's he met throughout the years and how often he put her second to Elizabeth. But she had realised long ago that she wasn't anyone's first choice. Ban chose to save Elaine over her, yet she jumped infront of the Demon's blast to protect both of them. Her father and mother hated both Ban and Amihan, but ultimately Ban was liked slightly more. Anyone who entered her life was bound to choose another, and as much as it hurt her, she expected nothing else.

"I'm so sorry Ami." Meliodas sobbed, clutching the material of her shirt and shaking as the tears leaked from him. Amihan laid back in the bed and pulled him down with her, laying his head on her chest and running her hands through his hair. They sat in silence, the only noise coming from Meliodas' crying, though Amihan didn't mind. After a short while, he fell asleep on her chest to the sound of her steady heart beat.

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