13 - You're apart of the demon race, aren't you?

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Third person

"Elizabeth!" Meliodas screeched as Hendrickson flew away with both of the women. He began trying to gain any strength he could, crawling forward in hopes of this. His eyes landed on scarlet pants and his eyes shot up.

"Ban! You've got to help me, Hendrickson took Elizabeth. He has Amihan aswell." Meliodas grunted out, his body burning with pain. Ban felt a wave of uncertainty hit him as his little sister was mentioned, but he knew she would understand if it meant Elaine would be back on Earth. He spaced out whilst Hawk talked to Meliodas, his inner voice pushing him ahead with the plan. Amihan could survive on her own for now, but this was a perfect time to kill Meliodas. He was weak from his former battle.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Meliodas had shakily risen to his feet and knotted his brows at his best friend.

"I really do love you Captain." Ban huffed before slicing his sacred treasure at him and ripping off his right arm. Meliodas let out a scream of pain as he did it.

"I don't want you to die in pain, so make it easy and don't dodge." He attempted another attack but Meliodas dodged it superbly, his need to save Elizabeth overwhelming his body.

"We don't have time for this Ban!" Meliodas had managed to take his severed arm back from his friend during the dodge and let out a yell as his demonic side began consuming him, reattaching his limb to his body. The ebony markings and eyes soon filtered in also. The darkness inside him healed his other wounds too.

"So Captain, I've had this suspicion for a while now." Ban cocked his head to the side before continuing. "You're apart of the demon race, aren't you?" Meliodas stared deeply into Ban's eyes, unable to bring the words out of his own mouth.

"You're silence tells me that answer is yes. Which can only mean my sister must be part demon also." Ban looked down with a pained expression, so confused on how his little baby sister could be anything other than human.

"Now is not the time to talk about this Ban." Meliodas spoke lowly, his defensive stance not faltering for a moment. Ban jumped forward to unleash an attack.

"This may mean little to you, but this is the most important thing in the world to me!" He shouted as he tried getting a hit on Meliodas. They were both in the air, Ban attempting to strike whilst Meliodas blocked it all with his sword.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth walked along with Hendrickson, who was carrying Amihan delicately in his arms. She stirred slightly, her entire body twitching.

"Shush now, it'll all be over soon." Hendrickson murmured as he looked down at the girl. It made complete sense to him as to why she was selected to be a future ruler of the demon race; she was breathtakingly beautiful. Even as she was offering herself as a truce to keep Meliodas safe, he could see the fire behind her crimson eyes that piqued his curiosity. She was otherworldly, for lack of better words.

"No, it ends now." Elizabeth sternly uttered, drawing Hendricksons attention to her. She held Amihans dagger to her own throat, a furious look behind her sapphire eyes.

"If I kill myself, you're whole plan is ruined." She clarified, slightly digging the dagger into her flesh.

"Now now, be a good girl and hand over the dagger." Hendrickson clicked his tongue and dropped Amihan to the floor, not caring about her welfare and only focused on keeping all the elements he needed.

"Hendrickson!" A deep voice yelled from above. Both Elizabeth and Hendrickson looked up to see Dreyfus on top of a broken building, a glare in his purple eyes. He jumped down to join the pair together and stared down into Hendricksons eyes.

"So you're still alive?" Hendrickson stated the obvious. Dreyfus looked past him and to the princess.

"Lady Elizabeth, please step back at once." He directed Elizabeth slightly away before continuing. "I am to blame for all of this. For not stopping you sooner. I shall atone for my sins by righting my wrongs!" He announced, ready to fight Hendrickson.

By now, Ban had Meliodas on the floor, ready to deliver the final blow until Meliodas assured him that he could fight with him after this all ends. He needed to save Elizabeth.

Ban agreed to his terms, knowing that Meliodas would also help Amihan where he could if she needed it. He wasn't entirely worried as he knew what his sister was capable of. But he didn't know she was currently unconscious and a prime ingredient for Hendricksons plan.

Dreyfus and Hendrickson battled ferociously until Elizabeth and Amihan were thrown back by the blast of their attacks combined. Dreyfus ran over to their bleeding bodies, pressing a handkerchief on both of their largest wounds to suppress the bleeding slightly. Their fighting continued until Dreyfus was eventually killed by Hendrickson, his body being consumed by his acid.

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