A Private Notice

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Warning the video does have some language and drawings that some viewers may find disturbing. Just saying this, so, I don't get reported.

*Beni's POV*

"Ah!" I can't help the smirk that spreads across my face as Y/n struggles to pull up his underwear and put on his casual wear. "B-Beni?! W-What are you doing here?!" My brow twitches in amusement before I front flip out of the TV and land on my feet casually before strutting over to him. "You know me? I'm honored." My eyes can't help but take in the hunk before me. "You must be Y/n. Slenda told us that you was the new recruit, but she failed to mention how good-looking you were. How rude of her, but I guess she wanted to leave that as a surprise for us."

*Y/n's POV*

A seductive purr erupts from Beni's throat, which doesn't help my growing blush. "Sorry... It's an honor to meet you, Beni, I've researched you before. I know your backstory almost by heart." "Oh, are you a stalker?" Her smirk grows sharper, but in a playful manner. "W-What? N-No!" My cheeks grow hotter than an inferno on how I just embarrassed myself once again in front of a pretty girl. Wow, Y/n, you are flunking today. Beni barks out a laugh and punches my inner shoulder. "Relax, Y/n, I'm joshing you. Slenda told us you were a fan of us." My shoulders relax a bit. Thank you, Slenda, for saving me from upmost embarrassment... Again. "I'd like to get to know more about you when you get more comfortable around us. Drop by my room sometime. We can play some video games and hang out, alright? My room is straight in front of your's, but if you get lost, each of our rooms has our names on it, okay? Don't be a stranger." I nod with a grateful smile, before it turns into an awkward and bashful flatline as she grabs my fly and zips my zipper up and whispers into my ear the best she can for her short stature. "I'll take care of you and we'll have fun while we get to know each other better." Words fail to form from my flabbergasted reaction and Beni can't help but laugh again as she jumps back into the static TV. "Oh, we're gonna have so much fun, Y/n. Catch you downstairs in a bit." Her laugh echoes muffedly as she eventually leaves me and I make quick timing to unplug my TV to save hopefully an ounce of my pride just in case she pops in again. I sigh. If all the girls are going to be like this, then I should go bury my pride in my old grave plot and rewrite my headstone. 'Here lies Y/n L/n's Pride, Hopes and Dreams. R.I.P.' Atleast, I know that would be a sad service, unlike my actual one. Guaranteed, not a single tear was shed at my funeral, atleast not real ones. My mother probably put on a good show of fake tears so people would have pity for her. My father was just probably worried about the football game and my younger twin brothers were just probably not paying attention to service and just playing on their handheld console games instead... Sigh...
Straightening out the wrinkles in my clothes, I do a double check of my appearance in the mirror to see if I look presentable for my new roommates. I'm a little pale, but it's probably the effects of being dead and brought back. I shrug it off. Whatever. I'm sure that I won't get judged for my appearance, not like from my biological family. If anything, the girls here are probably more considerate than them, even though they're all killers.


After a brief moment's peace of no more interruptions, I finish getting dressed and leave my room only to get met with a knife to my throat. A new, smooth and low threat gets whispered in my ear from the female killer and I can't help the slight shiver that trembles down my spine. "Don't move and you won't get hurt."

Hey, lovelies. I'm sorry about the short chapter, it's been a stressful few weeks in my life and I just haven't had time or energy to write, but I'm still trying for you all because I love you all. Anywho, thanks for the love and support for the book and I'll try my best to produce more longer chapters soon. Who do you think is the mysterious killer talking to you?Who do you want to meet in upcoming chapters? Drop a comment and I'll get to you next time. Bye.

Female Creepypastas × Male Reader. Book 2. (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now