A Nurse's Call

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Everyone hates being in a hospital. Whether if it's just for a simple check-up, an emergency happening, surgery, or something worse going on with you, hospitals are not fun. I should know, I've been in one for the last few months. My name is Y/n L/n. I'm a young guy. Only twenty-one. I should be out there living my life, but life has other plans for me.
Unfortunately, I'm dying from a terminal illness that no one has the cure to. Doctors and lab technicians have been trying different meds on patients like me, but so far, nothing has seem to be successful in order to stop the spreading, let alone cure it. The doctors told my parents that all they could do was just try to make me comfortable, especially during the hard episodes the illness throws at me and let's just say, the episodes suck. Luckily right now, I'm not having one. I'm just trying to relax as best as I can in this stiff hospital bed, reading another fanfiction book about Creepypasta on this writing app I discovered at the beginning of my stay here. Most people find me sick and disturbed reading this type of literature, but I just respond with, "I'm already sick, might as well get a little more ill." A smile breaks across my lips as I think about their disturbing look, them being similar to the victims' of Ann the Killer Nurse's faces as she slashes her victims in half with her chainsaw. Oh, how I love her. I wish she was my nurse. If she was, I wouldn't mind if she just came to kill me, atleast I could die with a smile on my face knowing that I met one of my crushes. To be honest, I probably wouldn't mind her killing me, it would be an honor instead of dying in this small room, hooked to cords and machines and surrounded by family who would rather cheer for my demise, than mourn. A sigh escapes my lips as I put my phone to rest and hook it to its own lifeline, the charger. Maybe she'll come tonight.
I read on a reading app that I could summon Ann by going to a haunted hospital, abandoned or not, hold a syringe over my heart and say the chant it says to do. Weirdly enough, it has to be on a certain full moon night, but I'm not questioning it. All hospitals are haunted in their own sense, so I didn't have to worry about the first part of the prepping of the ritual, but the syringe was a bit trickier, but I stole one without getting caught. So then, I just had to play the waiting game up to this night. Tonight is the night, I can just feel it.
"Lights out, hun." The young blonde nightshift nurse extinguishes my light with a "Goodnight." and I wait until she closes my door and for her footsteps to retreat down the hall. Pitch black consumes my vision and the only lights that shines in the room is the machines' vitals colors. The blood pressure machine, IV drip and heart monitor machine is the only sounds in the eery silence, but other than that, the setting is perfect for the ritual.
Reaching over to my nightstand table, my fingers run under the edge of the small wooden cabinet until I find my taped contraband. Bingo. Hospital tape can really stick to anything. After I rip it off, I get comfy on my bed, position the syringe over my heart, close my e/c eyes and start the chanting. When I get done, I open my eyes and see... Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nothing but pitch black in front of me.
"Oh, come on! That should've worked. Did I say it wrong?" I close my eyes once again and say the chant once more, but when I open my eyes, only darkness looks back at me. Sigh. Reaching for my phone after I set the syringe down on the table's surface and I scroll through the screenshot instructions. "Yeah, I said it right, so why didn't she come?" I sigh once again as my hope deflates with a deep exhale. Maybe I'm not good enough for her to come. Maybe she doesn't exist. I don't know, but what I do know is that she isn't here. Another deep breath escapes my lungs until I look up and the breath gets sucked right back into me. My e/c eyes widen and I gulp hard when the tip of a chainsaw tilts my chin up to meet a glowing blood red eye in the pitch dark room. "Nurse Ann, reporting for duty."

Female Creepypastas × Male Reader. Book 2. (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now