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"N-Nurse Ann?" My mouth goes dry and the heart monitor's beeping speeds up rapidly from my fast beating heart. I'm terrified, but excited that she's here and that the summoning really worked. "Y-You're real. You're actually here." The chainsaw moves down from my chin to my throat, the tip of the rugged chain, resting on my Adam's Apple as she leans in to get face to face with me, the vital machines' lights highlighting her grey facial features as she does. Her long crimson hair sways slightly as she tilts her masked face to the side, her red eye scanning me over like a catscan. "You summoned me. What did you think was going to happen?" "W-Well, I-I-." Her red eye rolls. "If you say that you didn't know if I would appear because you didn't know I was real, I will slay you where you lay... Or..." She pauses and commences to look about to all the machines that's connected to me before her gaze lands back on mine. "Is that why you summoned me? To kill you?" "M-More of the latter." A slight hum escapes behind her black and red crossed mask as she pulls back, taking her chainsaw with her. I sigh in relief. "What's your name?" Straightening my posture while rubbing my neck, I man up and tell her without much fear in my voice. "Y/n. Y/n L/n." Another hum leaves her clothed lips, before she steps back into the shadows, but her red eye stays on me. "I'll be back. Don't go anywhere." Like I can, but I won't say that. "Yes, ma'am." After my last comment, within a blink of the eye, she's gone.
I wait for a short moment after I know that she's gone to gather my thoughts and to fanboy internally. Holy! She's real! Nurse Ann was in my room and she threatened to kill me! Haha! A grin spreads across my face so wide that my cheeks start to hurt. This is the most exciting moment of my life!.. Or atleast, I thought so, until my room's lights, monitors and TV start going haywire. What the? Static flashes among my once turned off TV and the lights start flickering rapidly like I was at a strobe dance party, before flatlining back into darkness. What's going on here?! My hand automatically reaches for the nurse call button, but before I can press it, the lights start flickering again, until they turn on completely and the next thing I know Slenda's tendrils bound my wrists and wraps around my head to cover my mouth. My e/c eyes turn into saucers and I can't help but let out a muffled scream as the seven foot plus faceless woman comes within centimeters from my face.
It's official, my heat monitor is officially going into cardiac arrest, that is until Ann shoots something into my arm. "There. That should calm him down." Heat flows through my body as the unknown sedative relaxes my muscles and my heart rate slows down almost instantaneously. "There we go, nice and calm. Now, I'm going to release you, but if you scream or try to go for the nurse's bell... Well, there will be consequences. Understood?" I swallow hard, but nod my head. "Good boy." Slowly, but gently, black tendrils retreat into their owner's back. Slenda's long pale legs is what I notice first as she stands up straight and her black high heels doesn't help her as her head almost touches the ceiling. Her black dress is doing it's best to cover as much thigh as it can in the front, but it still struggles, but her long black hair covers them mostly from the back. "So, Ann has brought it to my attention that you want her to kill you. Is this correct?" "Yes, m-ma'am." My words comes out just as soothing and calm as Slenda's, but it can't help but slur a bit as the sedative does it's job.
"Then I'll skip to the million-dollar question. Why do you want to die?" Summoning enough energy, I tap the end of my bed with the heel of my foot to wear my chart is, to which Ann immediately collects and starts to read and flip through the report, her black spandex nurse's outfit squeezing around her body ever so slightly as she moves. Both of their outfits fits them like gloves. Hugging them in all the right places. I blush, but cover it with a sip of water from the cup from my nightstand and hope they don't notice. "He's terminal, Slenda. Doctors have tried basically everything, but he has a very rare blood disease." She puts my chart back where it came from and brushes her hair to her shoulder. "Gave him only a few months and he's close to the deadline before he flatlines." Slenda fiddles with the quite large, red oval necklace around her neck as she seems to be thinking. "I'll be back. Ann, keep watch. And Y/n?" "Yes, m-ma'am?" "Try not to die." My s/c fingers send her a two finger salute. "I-I'll try m-my best." A small hum, that almost sounds like a single low chuckle comes from her until the lights flicker and she disappears and reappears with a small vial in her hand. I don't think I would have time to die by how fast she came back. "Good, you've proved can follow orders without being threatened. That's a good trait to have. Especially, if you're going to come to live with us." Wait, what? "L-Live with y-you? B-But I'm not dead, nor a C-Creepypasta." "No, but you can be a Creepypasta if you want to live and not die here on this hospital bed." ...Ann does have a valid point. I don't want want to die here and I've been wanting to become a Creepypasta for a while now. So, what the heck? I'm in. "I-I w-want to be a C-Creepypasta. W-What do I have to do t-to b-become one?" The two beautiful ladies share a glance before Slenda gives me the vial she's been holding, her long cold fingers brushing up against my warm ones. "Just take this and you'll become one of us." The small black vial has no label on it, but I know I can trust Slenda. This ain't no Disney movie, I can trust someone I just met. So, my conscience can let it go.
My fingers unscrew the glass top and a small cloud of black mist comes from the black liquid inside. It's warm and smells like peppermint, but burns like fire when it goes down. I cough a bit. "W-What was t-that?" "Life Everlasting." Slenda's voice hints with a little mischief and now I can see why. "M-My t-tongue and hands are g-going n-numb." "Good, that means its working." Ann makes her way over to the side of my bed and pats my hand with her black, elbow-high covered hand. I have to fight back a blush. "I'm sorry about this." My head grows fuzzy. "S-Sorry about w-wha-?"

*Ann's POV.*

"S-Sorry about w-wha-?" Before Y/n can finish his sentence, Slenda appears behind him on the other side of the bed and snaps his neck. A loud crack comes from him, but Slenda gently lays him down and closes his eyes. "Sorry about that, Y/n. We had to do that so that they'll believe you're dead." My fingers comb through his messy hair. I look up at Slenda. "You didn't mess up his spinal cord, right?" She shakes her head. "I'm always careful when I fake someone's death, especially, when you're here." I smile behind my mask. "Good." Slenda uses her telekinesis to open the hospital's windows and carries him mid-air after I unplug him from the machines, which activates the alarms. We'll sneak into the funeral home, leave him instructions then go dig him up after the graveside service, but for now... Slenda drops him out of the hospital's second floor as gently as she can. Out the window he goes and back to the manor we go.

Female Creepypastas × Male Reader. Book 2. (Hiatus)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon