No coming back

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,,oh there's no one?.." , I narrow my brows.


,,oh yeah I screamed while adjusting the engine y'know", I then realize.

,,Stop scaring at me this much! You're playing too much Xenna!", my brother snaps at me.

,,me and playing?", I fake dramatically.

,,well anyways we won't be able to go hunting today as much as I want but our car clearly broke down", I rub my forehead.

,,oh. That's too bad. Want to buy the needed pieces later on?", he leans on the door invested in our case.

I shake my head.

,,No. It's overrated here + we gotta buy it from the country we got it from, which puts us in danger..", I look at my dirty fingers.

,,..Italy", my brother breaks the silence after 10 minutes.

I nod avoiding his eyes.

,,seems like fate brings us all back together..", Matteo sais quietly.

I start trembling.

Matt notices.

He looks up to me.

I try holding my tears back.

Not long after I can feel two strong arms wrapping around me.
-That's when I lose it.

,,G-gosh!.. Matteo! Why do I feel so abandoned?", I start crying bitterly.

He looks up to the roof.

,,I..don't.. I don't know", he holds his tears back.

,,..oh. I just must be so.."

,,..delusional", he replies.

I nod, balling my tears out.

I calm down, thanks to my brother.

I wipe my tears away.

*****Matteos POV****

,,I see", she mutters.

,,Let's go to to Italy then! We planned to go there anyways and we have enough savings..", she breaks the hug.

,,B-but..-", she cuts me off.

,,Tomorrow.", I hear her voice fading as she turns around and walks away.

I could hear her footsteps minutes after and it killed me.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry that there are things you don't know. I hope you'll forgive me one day.

I go to our attic and take a disposable cell phone.

I type the number in: ,, XX 3334 XXXX 2237"

I sight. ,,how clearly I remember this number ..hah."

It felt like yesterday when I just had finished my lessons to enjoy sometime with my family.

It was really bright outside a casual October day. It was.

Well I was maybe in 7th grade. I was a quiet guy who would skip classes sometimes. My uncle would punish me sometimes but I didn't care much, but if I had to my chores all day alone I would really work my ass of in school so I wouldn't miss the time with my family. They were really precious to me. They still are but I don't care about them the same amount as I used to.

-I mean one thing you have to know about my family is that, we have a lot of deep secrets and that you can't really trust anyone. The pages always change till you have seen every side of that party.

That's all I have to say. Everyone is the same at some point.

..Back to that precious time: Me my uncle, my aunt and my brothers used to play in that park where the nature was a spectacle itself. It seemed so peaceful with all the bushes and the lime green grass. It had a perfect contrast! There was a waterfall too! And a mid sized waterfall in the middle of the park. In the south you were able to see lot's of trees, which were lined up in rows and lead to a forest. It was perfect! The sun always shined the most there. We often had small picnics together. I remember how my sister and our cousins used run for hours and hours. They would never get tired. It was out ritual to drink handmade strawberry shakes on bad day's.

..One thing that I'm certain of is that nothing is going to be the same. Wait until they see us so developed and isolated. I think Xenna is going to be the most decent to them, since they used her for their own safety.

I mean I'd be great if they actually cared about me and her but to think that they just simply sent us away like that. Threw us on the streets-

They are not the victims but we are and I know why. Unfortunately. I wished so bad that I didn't knew but I do. I do. Yeah I fucking know.

I will make sure to take care of us both because no matter what I'll be there for her so will she. Because from the bottom of my heart-

I know that she's the most loyal to me as I will be always the most loyal to her as someone's going to ever be!

Now I'll need a plan and I am calling the right person for it.

Dylan my best friend, one of the people I trust as half as much as I trust my sister.

He's a part of my family.

,, ..hello?", I hear his voice for the first time in so long.

,,wow brother your voice has changed", I chuckle deeply.

For a moment long I hear nothing.

,,..wait-..Matt? Matteo?? Is it really you? Please tell me that I'm not imagining it only", he sais shocked.

,,you peace of folded lettuce!", I tease.

,,no wayy it's really you!!", I hear his excitement.

,,Tell why are you calling? Is everything alright? How's Xenna? How are y-", he bursts out.

I purse my lips as I interrupt him.

,,we are coming home", I say.

Home huh? Was it even worth to be called home. It didn't felt right to be calling that place home. No that wasn't my home, that was the place I simply lived nothing more.

,, those are great news! I'm so glad! Really! I can't believe it", he tried to calm down.

This boy was a roller coaster for sure.

A small giggle escaped my mouth.

,,well I need your help my friend. Do you think you could do something", I had to cough. It was so dirty in the attic.

,,for you? Always!"

,,that's the answer I needed! Thank you! So first of all cut all the ties with that family of mine! We can't trust no one from now on. Believe me I know what I'm talking about. I should've done it sooner what I'm about to do. Secondly: play it down cold, you might become another target to them but only for awhile. When they see that they can't reach you, aren't able to find your weaknesses they'll leave you alone. I trust you in this. Then I also need fake passports to trespass the borders without drawing attention. I started to explain him everything..", while my best friend listened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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