"I haven't seen you in forever" She said making me laugh 

"It was just two weeks ago" I chuckled as the rest of her siblings whom I met at the Queens residence came to hug me. 

"Wait, the pen pal isn't imaginary?" I heard a young man say 

"I must admit, she doesn't seem like the type to be friends with Eloise" A next one answered 

"These two are Benedict and Collin" She said pushing past the two 

"Benedict" The taller man held out his hand and I gladly shook it with a smile 

"Collin" The next one greeted taking my next hand kissing it 

"Addison" I said to both of them before following Eloise 

"Are you ready for tomorrow night?" She asked me as we entered a room with her siblings right behind us 

"I mean, I am being prepared for it, I think that's why Lady D asked Daphne's help" I chuckled 

"Same thing with my mama! tomorrow night I shall be hiding away" Eloise whispered seriously 

"I mean, your two brothers will be enough Bridgerton faces to keep you unnoticed" I chuckled nudging her

"Yes but Anthony is who I'm worried about, he surly won't let me miss this season" She sighed 

"Who is Anthony?" I asked as she shook her head although the name sounds quite familiar, I cannot remember where I heard it.

"My eldest brother" She answered 

"It's quite the lot of you" I said chuckling 

"Wait you really didn't know about my eldest brother?" She asked 

"I never knew about Benedict and Collin before I met them" I answered 

"But I told you it was 8 of us" She said 

"I thought you meant in your family in total including your mama, Simon and Augie. But now that I think of it, some things didn't make sense in your letters" I chuckled 

"You silly girl" Eloise said making us both fall out in laughter 

We carried on in conversation as I heard a familiar voice yell out "Daphne"

"Who is that?" I asked looking at Eloise 

"That's my brother Anthony now" She said as he walked through the door and Daphne walked over and embraced HIM the Viscount. I was at a loss for words and decided to avoid eye contact. 

"Oh" Was all I could say before I was now the center of attention once again. 

"Eloise... who is this?" the Viscount asked gesturing towards me 

"This is Addison" She said rolling her eyes 

"The imaginary pen pal?" He turned asking Benedict and Collin

"BOYS" Mrs. Bridgerton said as the three young men threw their hands up in surrender 

"Can I use your washroom?" I asked trying to excuse myself 

"Yes, one is down the corridor on you left" Eloise said directing me 

"Are you alright Addison? You seem a bit..." Mrs. Bridgerton trailed 

"Flustered" Benedict whispered making me look up at him

"Leave her alone" Mrs. Bridgerton said as both Benedict and I left the room

I followed him until he said "This is your stop" pointing towards the bathroom. He continued walking as I entered the bathroom. I locked myself in and washed my face. How did I not know Viscount Bridgerton is Eloise's brother? The infamous RAKE I heard the maids chatter about before my dance class this morning. I guess that's what Katherine was trying to tell me.How did I not realize that it was him all along? VISCOUNT ANTHONY BRIDGERTON. So much for never seeing him again. When I was composed enough, I walked out of the bathroom only to see Simon holding a fussy Augie and the Viscount on the same pathway as myself. 

The Viscount and The Traveler|| Anthony BridgertonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora