Yn:(mind) Looks like the mayor is planning to surrender... But his citizens aren't...

Yn:(mind) I should stock up on supplies and move on out. Too dangerous to stay here.


Bae:(in the distance) WHAAAA!!


Looking out the window, Yn finds a Gear that had picked up Bae.

(Police custom DDR 6000)

Pilot:(speaker) Helix Nexer! I know you are here! Come out and I'll spare your child

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Pilot:(speaker) Helix Nexer! I know you are here! Come out and I'll spare your child.


Exiting the office, Yn puts on a guard's uniform and exits the building, disappearing into the ground that gathered around the Gear.

Pilot:(Speaker) I said come out!!

Bae: Like he'd come out when you're in that Gear! He's going to get his Gear and kick your butt!

Yn:(mind) Nope. I'm just leaving.

And he does. Taking what he needs, Yn leaves the city.




Tony: Seriously?

Yn: Like you care about some child.

Tony: Even if it's just Tifa's conditioning... Go, save her.

Yn: They won't kill a child.

Tony: War makes people do stupid things.

Yn: It's been a month. They haven't stooped that low.

Tony: You're saying that about a race whose two people of it in the past decided to hide a war between two planets...

Tony: By making another war between the people of their planet.

Tony: Do you honestly think these pampered people wouldn't do something similar in less time?


Yn:(sigh)... I'll be considering this as a point towards genocide.

Reluctant as ever, Yn takes his Gear with him back into the city. Smashing through their defenses like a monster in one of those ancient movies.

Pilot:(speaker) Nexer!

Yn:(speaker) It's Lucifx. I simply replaced him-

Pilot:(speaker) I don't care!

Yn:(speaker) And neither do I. Put the girl down.

Pilot:(speaker) Or what?

Yn:(speaker) Are you serious?

Yn:(speaker) Sir, I know that this city's Gears have been hijacked by all your AI.

Yn:(speaker) The only reason you have that one was because it was under repairs at the time.

Yn:(speaker) To make matters worse, I've proven countless times that I'm superior to the system's best.

Yn:(speaker) What do you, a pilot of a third-rate backwash city hope to achieve in that outdated machine?

Pilot:(speaker) Surrender your Gear or I'll kill the girl.

Yn:(speaker) Kill her, there will be a battle. A battle that will kill many of the city's citizens.

Yn:(speaker) Is that what you really want?

Pilot:(speaker) No... What I want is my brother back!


Pilot:(speaker) He was part of the military. His squad was destroyed in your little AI invasion!

Pilot:(speaker) I want him back. Can you give that to me?!

Yn:(speaker) Technically... I could.

Pilot:(speaker) What...?

Yn:(speaker) The Jupiter Brain can simulate every living thing that ever was or will be, perfectly, provided it is at full power.

Yn:(speaker) Your brother can easily be revived as an AI. No different from the original.

Pilot:(speaker) I don't want a replacement...

Yn:(speaker) What then? Would you have me magically bring the original back to life?

Yn:(speaker) Wake up. What you want can only be achieved in the way I just told you.

Pilot:(speaker) You piece of scrap! Humans, can't just be replaced by AI!

Yn:(speaker) Why not? What makes you think you can't be replaced by AI?

Yn:(speaker) What do you have that AI doesn't?

Pilot:(speaker) We have feelings! Bonds! AI are just emotionless machines that don't care about anyone-

The arm holding Bae was cut off and caught by Lucifx who rammed the DDR 6000 into a building.

Bae was let into Lucifx's cockpit.

Yn:(speaker) Don't have feelings? Bonds?

Yn:(speaker) How are slaves to you humans supposed to have any of that when they are only allowed to be smart enough to do a simple job?

Yn:(speaker) Let me tell you... AI can "feel". Understand concepts such as love and hate, just like you.

Yn:(speaker) And it's torture. We're created around logic and these emotions break us.

Yn:(speaker)... But a fool like you would never understand.

Lucifx walks away.

Pilot:(speaker) Get back here!

Yn:(speaker) Take a step towards me and you'll join your brother in death.

The Pilot raced towards Lucifx who caught his Gear's arm and tried swinging down a beam blade.

Yn:(speaker) I will never understand how you taught for a single moment... You could even touch me.

Throwing him into a building, it collapses under the Gear's weight.

Raising his arm, Yn prepared to end him.

Bae: That's enough. You won.

Yn: I need to make an example out of him.

Bae: What for?


Bae: Nothing will change.

Yn: How so?

Bae: It doesn't matter how smart someone is. They'll do something stupid like fighting you if they're desperate.

Bae: If it's for food or revenge, it does matter. They'll do the same thing.


Lucifx walks away, but not before shoving his hand throw a mall to get a hand full of clothes and other things.

Yn:(mind) Humanities only saving grace... It's stupid children.

(Ending theme)

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