Throughout the day after their one moment of tension Louis goes back to ignoring Harry, the alpha on the other hand found every single way to indulge Louis in conversation which the omega dodged each one.

He was in the storage room when Harry finally had his last straw. He clicked the lock shut making Louis jump at the sudden slamming sound. "I've had enough, Louis talk to me!" Louis scoffs and walks past him,

"Go talk to your other omegas."

"My other omegas? I've only got one omega for now who's apparently mad at me—"

"Oh no. Not one. You've got Jeanne to share your dumb jokes with, you've got Niall to bring your lunch, and god knows how many others. I'm not interested so please excuse me." He says opening the door and walking out.

"Louis stop, baby. Hear me out." He huffs and enters his office.


"Stop following me around! Everyone's staring!" Louis whisper yells almost running outside towards his car, "You've been ignoring me and it hurts!"

"Well when some other omega had her claws all over you, you shouldn't have let her touch you. But you didn't! Because you liked the attention didn't you, Harry?" He scowls and the alpha's eyes darken, "Shit. I'm sorry, Lou, I didn't—"

"Save it, Harry." He says entering his car, "Move out of my way." The alpha does but little does Louis know he's got a follower behind him as he drives home.

All this dressing up for nothing, Harry had his attention on some other omega when he entered in the firm, he should've seek Louis instead of standing there with Jeanne, just like Louis searches for him when he comes to work but no! The alpha had to go and giggle and shit with Jeanne of all people.

With his blouse and pants still on Louis gets himself a glass of Chilled wine,

"Louis Tomlinson!" He freezes at the yelling, sighing he gets up and opens the door to his flat to find Harry standing out at the street, he looks disheveled, "Now what are you trying to do?" He asks leaning his arm against the doorframe.

"Convincing you to talk to me." Louis rolls his eyes, "Go away Harry. I'm not in the mood."

"Alright then I'll wait until you get in the mood. Don't get too drunk on me though, baby." He says cheekily and Louis turns around, "Suit yourself."

"Just so you know I'm still very much in love with you, omega." The alpha yells making him stop in his tracks, a smile breaking out as he shuts the door behind him.

He knows Harry will leave after some time when he settles back in the couch, it's twenty minutes later when Zayn enters inside, "Why's there a drenched Harry Styles singing outside? Miss Bentley called me saying an alpha was claiming his love for you—"

The word drenched has Louis standing up and staring outside the window to find that it was raining  quite heavily, he smacks his forehead,

"That asshole. I swear to god." He mumbles walking towards the door, he opens it to find Harry drenched head to toe, "You're making a scene Harry!" The omega yells and Harry looks up, "Well if you're not going to talk to me I'll continue making a scene."

"You'll catch a cold."

"I will survive. What I can't is you angry at me."

"Oh you dumb alpha get inside!" He shrieks and the alpha smiles widely, "Louis Tomlinson I'm so much in love with you, you'd be—pardon my language baby—stupid enough to even think I'd like or even look at another omega when I've got the most beautiful sweetheart anyone could ever have. I love you, my love." And he's yelling those words, the passer-by ignoring him as they eye the alpha.

"Cmon Lou forgive him." Says Miss Bentley from her balcony, with fuming red cheeks Louis steps out, "Yeah Lou, go get your alpha." Zayn whoops.

Louis sighs and steps in the rain, Harry's grinning at him when he comes forward, "You're so dramatic." He whispers and Harry strokes his cheeks, "Only for you, baby." Louis huffs and holds his wrist, "Let's go inside. The rain's getting heav—" he gets cut short when Harry wraps an arm around his waist pulling him to his body.

"Can't we have one romantic kiss under the rain first?"

"Since when do you do romance, Mr.Styles?" He asks and Harry rubs their noses together, "Since I fell in love."

"I haven't even forgiven you yet."

"Oh you did. That's why you came all dressed up because you wanted to look good for me didn't you, sweetheart?" Louis scoffs and pinches his arm. "How are you still so cocky? Isn't Jeanne giving you enough attention?" He asks and the alpha groans.

"I deserve that don't I? You're even worse than me with your jealousy." Louis hums quite aware that they were getting wetter and wetter the more they stayed outside.

"Now you know how it feels to act irrationally." Louis quips and the alpha swipes the drops on his lips with a thumb making Louis shudder, "May I kiss you, Miss Tomlinson?"

Louis doesn't answer but surges up to mash their mouths together, since it's New York and no one gives a fuck about what's happening they've only got two people's eyes on them, Zayn and Miss Bentley, Louis' hands are in the alpha's hair as their mouths move against each other's, he whines before separating his mouth.

"We'll catch a cold, cmon." He says and Harry grabs his jaw before swiping his tongue inside briefly.

Once in the confines of Louis' home Zayn hands them both towels.

"That was romantic and all but Harry Styles If you ever, and I swear ever hurt him again, I might kill you myself. We've got a deal over here?"

I hope I did justice over here because their separation was killing me.

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