Chapter 27 ~ Perfect

Start from the beginning

When we pull away my dad looks at Rory in awe and I can see tears in his eyes. "My baby." He cups her face. "Remember when we found out we were pregnant with twins?" He looks at my mom who smiles and walks to his side.

"And when you gave birth I couldn't let go of Rory because she was beautiful like her mother, still is... I love you Rory and gosh I miss the days when you were tiny and I could put you in my pocket to keep you from guys." We all let out an emotional laugh.

My dad brings Rory to him and holds tight. Before my mom makes him let go so she can breathe.

We get a ten minute warning and I give her one last smile before I see Presley sitting on a rock picking at her nails.

I walk over to her and sit down. When she sees me she gives me a smile. "That was a beautiful moment." She whispers and I just nod.

"My dad is probably going to cry a bunch tonight." This gets her to let out a chuckle. I can tell she wants to say something but doesn't want to bring the mood down. "Hey." I lift her chin between my fingers.

"What's wrong?" I ask her in a whisper.

"Nothing just- I just envy Rory I guess. I would love to have a dad who would cry his eyes out on my wedding day..." Yeah... that made me sad.

I bring her to my side and kiss her head. I don't know what to say so I just hold her until we are called. I walk her to her seat next to my mom then I go and wait for the walk out.


Rory walks down the aisle with her hand wrapped around my dads. I hear Ryder take a deep breath and can tell the water works are coming.

That's basically how the whole ceremony goes. Ryder and Rory crying while saying their vows, me getting emotional, me catching Presley's eyes and seeing a bit of wetness in them.

After the ceremony, we all head to the reception area which is on the beach a couple blocks away.

Once I get there, I try to find Presley who rode with my parents. I see her sitting at a table with her hands folded and I go and sit next to her. She sees me and gives me a smile.

"It was a beautiful wedding." She whispers, I know she is still down about the whole dad thing. And I didn't want to scare her off by telling her that if she wanted- she was a part of the family, and my parents are considered hers.

I nod and put my hand on her leg to comfort her. We go silent when Rory and Ryder have the first dance, cut the cake, then it's free dancing and drinks all night.

I get up eventually to go find Mayella because I remember Reece telling me that he needed her. So when I find her and give her the message, I'm left in the middle of the floor when a slow song comes on.

Couples gather in the middle of the dance floor, making it hard for me to get out. Ryder and Rory are in the center of the dance floor and I'm stuck on the side trying to weave between people.

I stay frozen in my tracks when a soft hand touches mine. Presley looked up at me with a small smile. "It's Elvis." She whispers and now I notice the song- the song we danced to in the rain.

I swallow when she takes my hand and leads me to a spot on the floor. She brings her hands to my neck and my hands go around her waist.

I'm slowly dancing with her right now. Oh my gosh. No it's not the first time but this feels unreal.

The song is playing and she is humming it as she leans her head on my chest. Some people have left the floor but Presley stays with me while a couple more Elvis songs play. My sister loves Elvis, but she promised Ryder she wouldn't play a lot because he wasn't a huge fan.

When I see her smirking I know she did it for me. When I told her about it, she was ecstatic and so now I know why Elvis is playing on repeat.

When another song comes on Pres pulls away and looks me in the eyes. She glances down at my lips and my whole body goes into shock.

Her lips part as she looks at me. "Is this the perfect moment?" She says in a whisper. Knowing what she is referring to, everybody in the room disappears to us and I nod.

She stands on her toes and brings our lips together and moves them against mine. I'm still in shock, but I'm able to close my eyes and enjoy the feeling.

Her lips are soft and inviting. Tasting like pumpkin spice. I bring the bottom of her back closer to me as we deepen the kiss.

When we run out of breath we pull away, looking at each other in shock. She gives me a smile and leans her head on my chest again.

"You were right... that was the perfect moment."

Man, I'm down so bad for her now. No turning back. 



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