47. Return to normality

Start from the beginning

She had not paid the taxi driver, but luckily Emre arrived behind her in his car. He rushed down, paid the taxi driver and quickly reached Leyla who had just arrived in front of her. She was out of breath.

"Welcome sister. What's going on?" she asked puzzled by her attitude, blinking.

Leyla was out of breath. She had to breathe.

"Leyla! Breathe!" said Sanem sternly to her.

"Emre? What's up brother, is there a problem?" asked Can who remained silent beside Sanem, seeing his brother arrive in a daze.

"I finally made it to you." said Emre breathlessly addressing his wife.

Can poured them two glasses of water.

They both caught their breath. Then Leyla could not contain herself and nervously spat out: "I'm pregnant!"

"What?!" exclaimed Sanem. "Really?"

"Really. I came straight from the hospital, I took the test. That's for sure." she replied.

"Ah! Congratulations brother!" said Can hugging him. She patted him on the shoulder.

"Congratulations Leyla." he then said hugging her too.

"Oh my god, Can? We're going to be uncles!" thought Sanem with a hand covering her mouth in surprise.

"Oh, yes! And what uncles!" he exclaimed, hugging her.

"Sister, I can't believe it! Congratulations to both of you!" he said, hugging them out of the blue.

"Our children will have a little cousin!" he exclaimed.

"Children, come here!" Sanem called out to them.

The little ones ran towards them. Can took Yildiz and Ates in his arms.

"Did you hear that? You're going to have a little male cousin!" Can told them.

"Or a little female cousin." Sanem pointed out.

"Little cousin..." exclaimed Ates.

"That's right." said Leyla, giving them both a kiss on the hand.

"Aren't you going to say hello auntie?" asked Leyla.

"Say hello auntie!" said Sanem. "Hi Uncle Emre!"

"Hi." said the children in chorus.

"Loves." commented Leyla with sparkling eyes.

"Come, let's sit inside." Can led the way.

"No, no, we're going now, aren't we Emre?" she said still excited.

"There, I'm so nervous." she admitted. She couldn't sit still.

"I can see it sister. And... do our parents know?" she asked her.

"No, I came straight to you." she immediately replied without thinking.

"Confirmed. She literally walked out of the hospital without even waiting for me. I had to run after her with the car." said Emre shocked.

"What?!" exclaimed Sanem. "For that..."

"Yes, she got into a taxi and ran here!" repeated Emre.

"Poor brother-in-law! Sister?" said Sanem.

"I couldn't wait. I had to tell you right away. I didn't think of anything. I just picked up and ran here." admitted Leyla unconsciously.

"Sister, but calm down. It's all right. Isn't that what you wanted?" she asked taking her hand.