Chapter two: wheres Rize!?

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Soon later, Touka had come back with some coffee.

"Oi, Touka-San?" I asked before she was out the door.

"What?" She asked, rather coldly.

"Where's Rize?" I asked, trying to hold back my tears.

"She... Isn't here." She softly replied and left the room.


My long lost sister isn't 'here' anymore?

I felt tears make their mark on my face.

"Rize..." I sobbed a few times.

Touka's POV

"Touka, what's that noise?" Kaneki asked.

"Someone else found out about Rize's death. She's currently bawling." I replied.

"She'll think I killed her right..." He asks.

"Yeah. Kaneki, I'd be careful if I were you." I warned.

"Why?" He asks monotonely.

"That girl up there... She's more powerful then we think. Get on her good side before she slices you in half." I told him and began to mop the floor.

"Should I bring her something to eat?" He asks.

"What's with you and the damn questions..." I mumbled under my breath.

"Yes. She's hungry, and a cup of coffee won't fill her." I respond.

Your POV

After a minute or two, I stopped crying and I took deep breaths.

Whoever's responsible for her death will pay.

Knock knock

I open the door and a boy that smells of Rize walks in.

"Hello, Miss..." He waited for me to reply.

"Yuri." I hiss.

"I'm Kaneki. I've brought you something to eat." He said.

I saw a package.

I ate it.

It was goooooddd.

I looked up to Kaneki.

"Why do you smell of Rize-oniichan?" I ask coldly.

"O-onii-chan?" He asks.

"Why do you smell of Rize?!" I ask, more coldly.

"Rize was killed and I was attacked by her, so when she died, they put her organs into me." He explained.

"You're part human?!" I hiss.

"Yeah..." He mumbles.

"Why do you wear that eyepatch?" I ask.

"Because of my eye, I can't control it when I'm hungry..." He replies.

"Oh, so you're a one-eye." I nod. "Then we have something in common." I add.

"What?! You're a one eye?!" He asks unbelievably.

I nod.

"Have you heard the myth of the Golden Ghoul who has one gold eye?" He asks.

"I sure hope I do!" I exclaim.

"Why?" He asks.

"Well I hope I'd know my own myth!" I laugh.

"You created the myth?" He asks.

"No, Kaneki-kun." I hang my head low. My (h/c) hair covers the front and sides of my face.

I smirk.

I let my golden eye take over my right eye.

I perk my head up and tilt my head up to the left.

"I am the myth." I reply, the smile still plastered on my face.

I saw his eyes widen in fear and amazement.

"I thought you lived in the 11th ward!" He exclaimed.

"I did, I left. Things are really dangerous there now." I admit returning my eye to the same (e/c) orbs.

"I'm sorry to hear that." He says.

A moment of silence went by.

"Who killed Rize?" I ask.

"We don't know." He sighed.

"Okay" I say plainly.

I'm not sure if I would ever get to find the killer of Rize. But I won't not try.

Ready or not, here I come.

The Golden Ghouls on her way...

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