I instinctively closed my eyes as Nolan grabbed the base of his shirt.

"You're too cute." Zane chuckled before I felt a presence behind me. A presence that radiated more heat now than before as a featherlight touch of skin on skin caressed my arm.

I turned around and opened my eyes to be met by a bare chest Zane. I almost gasped at the chiseled features of his sculptured upper body. It wasn't overly muscular, but you could tell he took good care of his body. His arms had ripples of muscles and his chest was well defined with a few bumps caused by his abs on his abdominal section. They were a reasonable, old fashioned six that still had you internally drooling as you fought for your hand to stop twitching from the urge to touch the firm skin and tight skin as well as the hard muscle.

A T-shirt suddenly appeared on my lap as Zane winked," That might be a bit more comfortable."

"Thanks." I nervously bit my bottom lip before I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist before I was lifted off the bed and onto the carpeted floor.

"Anytime, Angel." He winked before nudging me toward the bathroom. I obediently trudged across the room again and slipped into the bathroom for the second time tonight. I peeled off the hot clothes and slipped on the shirt that reached just below mid-thigh. It hung loosely against my body and thus gently brushed my skin when I moved, but the fabric was soft to the touch and cool, but the best part is the manly musk that emitted from it. It had Zane's woodsy, but warm scent that had my knees growing weak at the masculinity whereas Nolan's had me growing weak at the gentleness, not that Nolan was less masculine or anything. He was just a bit more gentler whereas Zane was bold. An interesting contrast to be honest.

I neatly folded the clothes I had been wearing and made my way out of the bathroom and back to the bedroom where a bare chested Nolan and Zane patiently waited on opposite sides of the bed as before, but the covers where now pooled just below their waists. I dropped the clothes off on the laundry basket before making my way back to the bed where Nolan helped me on this time. I slid down the covers like last time and it was still fairly warm, but better than the furnace from before.

"Better?" Nolan asked.

"Much better," I agreed," Thank you." I turned to both of them.

"Can we..." Nolan paused to think before nervously muttering as he turned off his light whereas Zane already had his off," Nevermind."

"Please ask." I softly urged.

"I was just wondering," He nervously cleared his throat," If we could hold you? You don't have to agree if it makes you feel uncomfortable."

I know both Mom and Nolan explained to me that touch was like the Werewolves common way of expressing their love, kind of like their natural love language amongst other things. Apparently it soothes them and is so important to them that without it, like in Zane's case, mates can get sick. But, I was still nervous.

I nodded because I knew that their keen eyesight would allow them to see me as clear as day, or at least clear enough. Their keen senses never cease to amaze me, just as how Nolan knows when it's me outside of the door before I even knock on the door. The man doesn't need to see me to know it's me, it's both amazing and slightly creepy.

"Sure." I responded.

Two equally quiet sighs of relief filled the small space before I was being pulled into a sandwich by both men as they threw their arms around my waist and torso while being careful not to put their whole weight on me.

Seeing as I slept facing Nolan earlier, I carefully turned around so I was facing Zane this time but still kept my hands to myself. I had to place my arms over my neck though which wasn't abnormal for me on normal days but during those days, I normally know I have the choice to move them around once the position got old or felt uncomfortable, rather.

"Your arms are going to be stiff if you plan on keeping them like that for the whole night." Zane softly said, all the playfulness and easygoing attitude now replaced with a softer tone as he gently rubbed my cheek with his knuckles.

"I don't know where else to move them." I admitted with a nervous laugh.

He lightly chuckled in response. His soft laugh making sparks run down my spine at the sweet, but masculine melody that reverberated from his chest.

"Don't be afraid to touch us, Baby," He softly muttered as his arms moved from my waist so he's hand could take hold of my one hand which he calmly threw over his torso. "I won't bite and nor will Nolan, in fact," He paused to softly utter, "We'll be more than delighted to have you freely touch us because we are yours."

"For as long you'll have us, which we hope is for a lifetime." Nolan whispered from behind me.

"I'll be more than happy to have you, if you'll have me." I whispered as I looked up at the almost glowing green orbs that looked down at me with such emotion.

"Now and forever, my Angel," Zane happily agreed to my terms as he pressed his forehead against mine just as Nolan simultaneously said," Of course, Sweetheart."

"Now, let's get some sleep. We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow." Nolan softly uttered from behind me.

"What's there for tomorrow?" I curiously asked.

"Let's just say, our parents will be fetching Grace tomorrow afternoon so we can have some us time without having to care for a toddler while at it." Zane explained.

"But I love having a toddler to care for." I absentmindedly pouted at the thought of not seeing Grace the whole day. Yes, she's normally at school but afterwards, I know I can see her anytime before bedtime.

"Baby, she's not leaving forever. Just for the weekend at most." Nolan chuckled.

"Still..." I pouted.

"She has you wrapped around her finger already? You're doomed." Zane tried to stifle his laughter as he coughed to try and hide it.

"I told Nolan from day one, children are my weakness and Grace is no exception. In fact, she's worse." I whined.

"That's because of the bond, Sweetheart." Nolan explained.

"I guess." I huffed, not knowing how to feel about this said bond. I know for a fact that I've always loved children which is why I considered teaching at some point like Mom, but I also loved Media so I went with that. I could always have my own children in the future and until then, I'd enjoy those around me. Grace just happened to be that one child around me and not only that, but the bond we share makes me crazy attached to her like a Mama bear when they force themselves to drop off their child at school for the first time.

"Don't worry, Baby. It will get better with time," Zane assured,"Now let's get some sleep. We need all the energy we can get for tomorrow."

"What are we doing tomorrow?" I repeated my earlier question in barely contained curiousity.

"Baby, it's a surprise. Just trust us, okay?" Nolan coaxed as he placed his head on my shoulder. The feeling of his skin on mine instantly made me shiver from the sparks that erupted as it shocked my breathing into overdrive and my heart to life. The gentle, yet ticklish sensation of his warm breath caressing my skin had my body feeling hot in an instant.

"Okay." I shakily responded due to the aftereffects of the mind numbing sensation.

"Goodnight Love." Zane muttered as he pressed a sweet kiss on my cheek.

"Goodnight Baby." Nolan muttered before I felt a pair of lips gently caress my bare shoulder due to the T-shirt slightly slipping down my shoulder, but only a bit so I was safe.

"Goodnight." I returned the wishes as I closed my eyes and tried to shut my thoughts and calm my raging heart, emotions and most probably, hormones.

These two are going to be the death of me, but on the bright side, we successfully evaded Ninja Mel. That's something to be proud of.

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