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Preparing for Berk's anniversary!

{ Y/N's point of view }

You woke up hearing shouts of joy and laughs of happiness which had seemed too wake up your friends and your guy's dragons which wasn't pleasant
"Can anyone look out the window?" You asked
"Fine..." Fleur yawned
Fleur nudged the wooden windows letting in light and yells of joy as younger children in Berk ran around and some of the older kids were helping out with hanging things
"Today we're preparing!" Amira exclaimed
Usually people would pitch in and help around Berk a couple days before events as a village activity and happy omen for it. TorchTongue hissed in confusion
"Okay, how about this. We go help out while you guys tend to yourselves!" Koami said
ShiverWing roared in agreement as ShockStriker nodded before Talia carefully opened the door and ran outside to go see what they were going to do today
"Morning Gobber! What're we doing today?" Apollo asked
"Preparing for the 400th anniversary." Gobber replied
"What can we do to help?" Amira asked
"You can start by helping the baby dragons. They're running all over the place."
Gobber informed
"Okay! Let's split up to cover more ground." You planned.

"Over there! It's a zippleback!"
Apollo exclaimed
A baby green Zippleback roared before scuttling off quickly to get away
"Come on! Let's go guys!" Koami said
Koami ran after the zippleback as Fleur held a sleeping purple baby gronckle in his arms
"They're easy to catch! Don't overthink it." Fleur stated
"Easy for you to say!" Talia exclaimed
She fell down but managed to get the baby deadly nadder into her arms
"Come here buddy. I won't hurt you!"
Amira promised
A purple monstrous nightmare backed up a little bit reluctantly and slowly had went towards Amira before she scooped up the baby Stoker class dragon.
"I got one!" You said
You cradled a Deadly Nadder in your arms happily before stopping to try and see Apollo
"Hmm. Blue Zippleback? I've never seen one." Apollo stated
A blue Zippleback was rubbing up against his leg before Apollo smiled and let the Zippleback cling to his clothes making it look like he had wings which was quite extraordinary
"I got mine!" Koami exclaimed
She was holding quite the fussy gronckle in her arms but she didn't mind it since Gronckle's weren't very painful dragons since they didn't actually like to kill.

"Okay! All cleaned up! Now what?" You asked
You scanned the place before taking Koami by the hand and dragging her towards the docks as the others followed
"What're we doing here?" Talia asked
"Great question. Could anyone answer?" Apollo questioned
"To decorate for it! We need wood for the fire! Gobber assigned us!" You exclaimed
You grabbed a armful of wood as your friends did too and began to run towards where the fire would be
"Over there! Some rocks for materials are right here!" Amira exclaimed
You smiled before setting down your wood as Fleur did too effortlessly.
"Okay! Now we need to build the circle with rocks! Me and Amira get the wood ready. Fleur and Apollo will take one side. Talia and Y/N on the other!" Koami said
You smiled before grabbing some rocks and setting them down as Talia did the same alongside you going towards Fleur and Apollo.
"Finished! Now for a pile of wood!" You said
Koami and Amira came over with some wood and set it down in the middle as you and the others all came to help set it up in the perfect shape and making it line up.

"Are we done?" Fleur asked
"Yup! Now we need to check up on you know who." Apollo said
You smiled as Amira ran towards your parents hut as the rest followed behind her
"NightTail! I'm back!" Apollo exclaimed
NightTail ran towards Apollo and roared happily as Apollo scratched his chin
"DayFlight! So happy to see you!" Fleur said
DayFlight looked over as Fleur rubbed her head and put a flower into her mouth gently
"I brought you a honeycomb I found!"
Amira stated.
The fireworms and TorchTongue roared as Amira gave half the honey to TorchTongue and the rest was for the smaller fireworms
"ShiverWing! Have you been good?"
Koami asked
ShiverWing got on two legs and managed to hug her happily
"DreadJaw! Have you taken care of yourself?" Talia asked
DreadJaw roared happily getting onto his feet as Talia put her head to DreadJaw's
"ShockStriker! I hope that you've had a great day with the other dragons!" You said
ShockStriker raised his wings pulling you into a hug as you rubbed his head happily. Everyone began to sit beside their dragons making themselves comfortable after the day of helping out around Berk with the 400th anniversary early preparations.

"It's gonna be a blast! I'm glad we don't need to be those kids that walk around with some flags." Fleur stated
"What do we wanna do tomorrow?"
Koami asked
"I planned on taking NightTail berry picking." Apollo informed
"Me and DayFlight wanted to try some of our skills!" Fleur added
"Me and ShiverWing planned on getting some algae for him." Koami said
"TorchTongue and me would look for honeycombs!" Amira explained
"DreadJaw wanted to go wood carving!"
Talia mentioned
"Maybe you could take ShockStriker with you for berry picking! ShockStriker hasn't tried that and I need to stay on Berk for one more thing!" You stated
"You fine with that?" Apollo asked
ShockStriker roared hesitantly as you made yourself comfortable and smiled. Koami yawned as ShiverWing made room on the tiny little bed he had
"Night guys. Me and DayFlight are gonna leave early." Fleur informed
You sent a thumbs up towards him as you shifted towards the corner as ShockStriker roared as you allowed him to rest his head near your leg and slowly everyone went to sleep ready to go on their own separate adventures with their dragons tomorrow which was going to be quite interesting at most.

Word count: 1004 words

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