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A day spent alone.

{ Y/N's point of view }

You guys had stayed up pretty late last night and had forgotten that you hall had duties, you on the other hand... didn't have any duties. So you day would be spent having fun with ShockStriker while the others help out around Berk or dragons edge
"Okay ShockStriker! The day is all ours! What would you wanna do first? Go exploring, fly around?" You asked
ShockStriker seemed to think for moment before flapping his wings in a way of saying fly
"Flying around it is! I'll go get your saddle!" You exclaimed
You smiled before grabbing the saddle and carefully placing it on ShockStriker's back making sure that it was placed perfectly.
"Okay ShockStriker! I've pack you some fish in the satchel on your saddle incase you get hungry meaning we're all set!" You exclaimed
You opened the door as ShockStriker ran out happily and lowered himself so that you were able to hop on top of him
"Where you wanna fly?" You asked
ShockStriker roared before propelling himself into the air and going out towards the sea, most likely in search of an interesting island you and him could explore.

You two landed on an island that was quite lush but filled with rocks
"Apollo would love this place!" You exclaimed
ShockStriker flipped over a rock as you examined it obviously fascinated by it
"I'll take it back to Berk. Apollo might want it!" You informed
You stuffed the rock into a storage unit you had in your clothes before trudging deeper into the forest with ShockStriker curious about what might be ahead. You looked around cautiously before seeing something in the distance
"It's that flower we needed too collect for Gothi!" You exclaimed
You plucked the petal and looked at it as ShockStriker took the whole flower instead.
"Come on ShockStriker!" You said
You ran deeper into the woods as ShockStriker followed behind you happily
"This is super fun! You're the best dragon a person could have!" You exclaimed
ShockStriker roared and leaned into you before getting himself balanced and kept walking towards a cliff that had many ledges
"What should we do now?" You asked
ShockStriker lowered himself before you nodded and hopped on happily while fixing your posture before ShockStriker flapped his wings and flew upwards towards the mountain and flying straight too a rigid cliff side.

"What're we doing here?" You asked
There was a cave as ShockStriker went in and looked back towards you before roaring and flicking his head towards inside the cave before you hesitantly followed him into the dark but that was fixed when ShockStriker had sparked up a little which made the what seemed like an endless tunnel dim.
"Shouldn't we turn back? I heard this was hiccup found the red death, if you've heard of her. He followed toothless into a cave and then they were in her lair." You explained
ShockStriker tilted his head but shook it off and sniffed around before looking down at a big nest yet it was a tiny bit damaged
"What's this? A nest, it's really big." You stated
ShockStriker sniffed the next before touching it with his snout obviously not very happy about finding the nest
"Apollo would know what's happening!"
You said.
You looked at the nest and then ShockStriker before your eyes widened
"You grew up on the island! I've figured it out!" You exclaimed
ShockStriker flapped his wings happily and nodded as if he understood you got it
"Before you came too Berk... Must be pretty sad huh." You said

You pat ShockStriker's head before smiling and he immediately lightened up
"Let's head back! Before it gets dark, come on ShockStriker!" You said
ShockStriker quickly got too his own height before running after you as you guys bounded out of the cave before you hopped onto ShockStriker and he propelled into the air dodging most of the trees ahead while cutting a few branches with his wings
"That was fun! We can do that again soon, and with the others too!" You exclaimed
ShockStriker roared before changing directions in the air more towards where Berk was.
"Make sure too land out of sight! But that might not be a problem since Ruffnut and Tuffnut are doing patrols right now, they aren't dumb but they're normally caught slacking." You stated
ShockStriker nodded before going lower and more towards the ground too stay out of sight since Hookfang was currently running around Berk with toothless going to get something to eat and both of them had quite the good sense of smell but if you were lucky they never came across a Skrill in their life.
"We're back!" You said
You entered the hut letting ShockStriker in first before letting yourself in.

"Took you long enough. We thought you died. I'd need too be the new leader." You stated
"Thank you for the concern. But if it had too be anyone I'd say Apollo or Talia be the leader." You informed
DayFlight greeted ShockStriker as NightTail roared happily at the Skrill that had just made himself comfortable
"Our jobs on Berk were hard. You're lucky you don't have much other than helping bucket and mulch sort fish. And they didn't even catch some recently!" Amira exclaimed
"Huh. I quite like feeding the dragons."
Koami informed
"I like blacksmithing with Gobber."
Fleur admitted
"I usually tell younger children about dragons, mostly like Fishlegs." Apollo stated.
You smiled before sitting down cross legged and pulling the blanket over yourself so that you were able too keep ShockStriker and you both warm
"Well! I'll be heading too bed since it's been a long day!" Amira exclaimed
"Me too!" Talia replied
"Count me in!" Koami stated
"Me too!" Apollo added
"Sure!" You exclaimed
"Fine I guess." Fleur said
DreadJaw roared before making himself comfortable as ShiverWing sat down next too Koami while TorchTongue rested her head next too Amira's making sure that she was kept warm.

Word count: 1004 words

𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚒n 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐on | 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗Where stories live. Discover now