Berk meeting!

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Big news!

{ Y/N's point of view }

It was the next day
"Guys! The dragon riders are back!"
You stated
Toothless shrieked while landing as Hookfang did the same surprisingly not throwing Snotlout onto the ground
"Something seems up..." Koami said
"Yeah. And the riders are so exhausted."
Talia stated
The riders immediately got up and went towards the great hall as Vikings followed waiting for something to happen
"We have news! We've brought news!"
Tuffnut said
"I brought news! Not you!" Ruffnut exclaimed.
Toothless shrieked as dragons landed around the great hall too
"Somethings going on! Hurry!"
Apollo exclaimed
Apollo grabbed Fleur's arm and dragged him along as you pushed through the crowd to get too the front of the group of Vikings
"We have news!" Hiccup said
Toothless roared that too the dragons
"Shh!" Amira said
"Viggo and the dragon hunters are on a hunting spree! We must stop people in Berk from going into the archipelago!"
Astrid exclaimed
The A team whispered to each other before Fanghook roared raising his wings. People in the crowd gasped as Barf and Belch roared too the zipplebacks
"We must fight at the sight of a hunters ship Vikings!" Stoick yelled.

"No more going out." Talia whispered
After a while the hoard fully dispersed as you and your friends walked into Apollo's hut which was the closest one by the great hall
"That was... interesting." Fleur said
"Shouldn't we bring our dragons into Berk? What if the dragon hunters find them?"
Amira asked
"Probably." Koami stated
"Then let's go get them!" You exclaimed
"Okay! We're gonna need too prepare your place for the dragons though." Apollo said.
You guys were in your parents hut grabbing blankets and essentials
"We should be good, right?" You asked
You set down a couple of blankets across the floor as Apollo filled some bags with extra fish that Bucket and Mulch had caught
"Not yet! Still need too set stuff up for the fireworms!" Amira stated
She set down a blanket while making a little area that had multiple lanterns with multiple layers of blankets incase.
"Now we're finished! Let's go get the dragons!" Koami said
"Cant wait too see DayFlight everyday when I wake up." Fleur snorted
You all had walked out the door and snuck out into the forest as the Terrible Terrors watched you enter in confusion because of the dangers there.

"Guys. We need too get you into Berk, now." You explained
"No time too tell why! Quickly!" Koami said
She hopped on top of ShiverWing and so did the others with their dragons.
"Get inside! We've got lots to show and tell you!" Apollo said
"Hurry DreadJaw!" Talia stated
"You're all allowed in!" Amira exclaimed
You guys rushed the dragons inside as they roared looking around the fully transformed area that seemed too suit their needs
"So you guys might be wondering why we've rushed you here and why the hut is decorated with essentials you guys would ever need or ever want.
"According to the dragon riders of Berk the dragon hunters are on a spree and we obviously can't leave you alone in the woods without supervision!" Amira said
"Which is why we've brought you all here in secret and have decorated the hut accordingly!" You said
ShockStriker inspected the area with blankets and some metallic things
"See! Now you have more room!" Amira said
The smaller fireworms climbed inside the lanterns as they lit up which immediately made the already dull room glow a little bit brighter because of the strong light and heat fireworms could produce.

"Here. It's a padded area so you don't need too worry about your spines." Fleur said
"You guys will be staying here until hiccup tells us it's safe!" Amira stated
You smiled while sitting down next to ShockStriker happily
"Guys! Guys! Look!" Amira said
A fireworm bounded up her arm as Amira held up two fingers
"Motion commands! Something I had learned when Toothless and Hiccup were at the great hall!" Amira exclaimed
"We should totally do that tomorrow!"
Apollo said
"We realize that a fireworm running up your arm wasn't motion, right?" Fleur asked
"Watch and learn!" Amira said
She turned her back towards the other smaller fireworms and did the same motion as the others ran up her back and arm.
"Awesome!" You said
"Cool!" Talia added
"It's kind of dark over here."
Koami commented
Fleur snorted as ShiverWing raised his wings and went too eat some of his favourite food thus making him glow brighter so that Koami could see from where she was sat
"Let's hope mom and dad don't come home early. We don't want them finding out we've been rooming with a Skrill, Whispering Death, Fireworm Queen, Flightmare, Dramillion and an alpha Speed Stinger.

"Me and NightTail will be going too sleep now." Apollo informed
NightTail laid down in his area in the room as Apollo rested his head next too NightTail's long and sharp snout
"Okay! We'll do the same!" Talia said
DreadJaw laid down as Talia used his body as a pillow which DreadJaw didn't seem too mind as long as she didn't move much in her sleep
"You all go to bed so early! It's inhuman!" Fleur said
Fleur had dragged the blanket over him as DayFlight curled around his body
"Night TorchTongue!" Amira said
TorchTongue screeched while nuzzling her rider before sitting back down as Amira laid down watching a fireworm scuttle across the blankets.
"You can have midnight snacks."
Koami sighed
ShiverWing roared while sitting down happily before Koami sat down next to him
"See you in the morning ShockStriker!"
You exclaimed
ShockStriker growled softly before laying down as you laid your head next to his.
"Night guys!" Amira said
"Goodnight!" You all exclaimed
With a little bit of shifting and a little bit of movement during the night you and your friends had finally fell asleep since you guys were already used too your dragons sleeping very strangely.

Word count: 1004 words

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