Information on dragons!

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Book club?

{ Y/N's point of view }

Your eyes fluttered open as ShockStriker pulled the leather blanket off and stared at you
"Morning ShockStriker..." you said
ShockStriker roared happily and licked you as you shot up seeing everyone else wake up at the same time as you but the dragons had been awake for quite some time
"What're we doing today?" You asked
"I dunno." Apollo stated
You stroked ShockStriker's head before sitting back on the wooden boards of your parents hut
"Berk's anniversary is in like, I don't know.
6 days?!" Fleur exclaimed
"Y'know, I forgot about that." Koami admitted
"How could you forget?!" Talia questioned
"I did too if I'm honest." Amira admitted
"Lucky we're living in this timeline. 100 years till the next anniversary like this!" You said
"Yup. And with dragons too! So lucky."
Apollo added.
NightTail roared before carefully picking up a berry and dropping it into Apollo's hand
"Thanks NightTail! Really appreciate it!" Apollo said
He put the berry into his mouth before smiling and giving a thumbs up. Koami laughed as ShiverWing sprayed mist into thin air out of impulse, he did that often and no one minded.

"So, what'll we do today?" You asked
"I'd like to get some breakfast and go too the great hall too read on some of our dragons." Apollo admitted
"You always wanna do that." Fleur whined
"Is that a problem? You love learning about Boulder Class dragons." Talia stated
"Yeah! But not constantly!" Fleur said
You laughed before getting up and dusting yourself off
"Then it's decided! We leave the dragons here, get something to eat at the great hall and read the book of dragons!" You exclaimed
"Bye ShiverWing!" Koami said
"Cya TorchTongue!" Amira smiled.
You guys exited the house and all of Berk was already awake doing their daily duties as you walked towards the Great Hall happily to go get the book of dragons
"Let's go guys!" Apollo said
Apollo opened the doors too the great hall before entering as you guys all did the same before shutting the door and since it was pretty dark Amira had lit a candle
"I got ourselves some food! Now for the book of dragons!" You exclaimed
You set down wooden plates of mutton too everyone's arranged seat at the table you guys would always sit at which was at the far left corner and it was convenient.

"Ah!" Apollo shrieked
He grabbed the book of dragons before falling but Amira, You, Koami, Talia and Fleur were there too make sure he didn't smack his face into the solid rock
"You're welcome." Fleur snorted
"Thanks." Apollo said
Koami grabbed the book as Apollo was brought back on his feet as he dusted himself off
"First up, the Fireworm." Apollo said
He opened the book and flipped a couple of pages before landing on the stoker class chapter and started flipping slower until finding the correct page which was titled the fireworm.
"Description!" Apollo said
"This is gonna be boring." Fleur stated
"Fireworm queens lay thousands of eggs in a lifetime. The only known one lives of Fireworm island inside of a dormant Volcano. Fireworm queens posses a venom that will ignite a stocker class dragons failing flame. The queen does have mercy if you return something stolen or back down easily but not doing some of those things could possibly end up with you in ashes. Highly dangerous, Do not make yourself known." Apollo stated
"Awesome! TorchTongue is gonna be a mom someday! And I'll be just like an auntie!" Amira exclaimed
"You're excited?" Fleur said.

"Read about the whispering death. It'll get more interesting there." Fleur said profoundly
"Shut up!" Talia exclaimed
"No thank you." Fleur stated
You laughed as Apollo flipped too the boulder class chapter and quickly found the Whispering Death's entry on it
"Description!" Apollo said
"Get on with it Apollo!" Fleur ordered
"No need too be so bossy. Whispering Death's. Constantly hungry and burrows for unwitting food at will. Whispering Death's prefer too be on land or underground other than flying freely in the sky. Whispering death's have poor eyesight and a poor sense of direction but makes up for having a drilling power that hushes a large rumble before eating you up and diving underground. Whispering Death's have great memory and will remember faces for years upon years and they do hold grudges against people and dragons causing a lifelong hatred." Apollo explained
"Speed Stinger next if you'd like!" Talia said
"On it! Speed Stinger. Speed Stingers might not be able to fly but they're the fastest land dragon. Flying can outfly them but outrunning one is impossible. Their venom in the tail can paralyze fully grown adult humans and it doesn't heal that quickly or quite easily." Apollo said

"Awesome!" Talia exclaimed
"Meh. Whispering Death's are better, but sure. The tail thing is nice." Fleur stated
"Dramillions can mimic dragon fire and are called parrots in the dragon world. Dramillions are known too have the highest shot limit of any known dragon in the Archipelago and can even transfer shots too different dramillions, pretty awesome. Not much because it's only recently discovered again. But still awesome!" Apollo stated
"Ooh! Ooh! Flightmare next please!"
Koami exclaimed
Apollo flipped the page and had landed on the Flightmare's entry and began to read
"Flightmare's are like scary ghost stories with their banshee like howl and glowing like a ghost or phantom. The glow comes from the Flightmare's favourite food, glowing algae. Flightmare's are defensive and aren't a great enemy too have and they're quite short tempered dragons. Flightmare's emit a mist that will freeze humans in their tracks which could be like scaring a Viking into freezing." Apollo recited
"Skrill's next! I haven't read on them I don't think!" You pleaded
"Skrill's. One of the most mysterious dragons in this book, also the most feared. Skrill's are nearly untrainable and can fire electricity from their mouths making them extremely dangerous. Skrill's usually gravitate towards Stormy weather too charge themselves up if out of shots. Skrill's do have a weakness, being submerged in water will render their attacks useless. They can hibernate when extremely cold for long periods of time."
Apollo said happily

Word count: 10044 words

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