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first flight!

{ Y/N's point of view }

You woke up seeing ShockStriker and the others still asleep with the rain already dried up with a bit of mud
"Guys? Wake up?" You whispered
"What do you want now?" Fleur asked
"Is DayFlight awake?" You questioned
"Yup." Fleur said
"Wake them up!" You whispered
"Fine." Fleur stated
Fleur had got up and proceeded to wake everyone up
"You okay ShockStriker? We've got plenty of fish back there." You said
ShockStriker shook his head before getting up and roaring at TorchTongue
"Okay! No one here is hungry, so let's train some dragons!" Talia said.
You all got outside and made sure to not step on any mud
"I wonder if Berk's noticed!" Koami said
"Probably not, I mean would they ever?"
Fleur replied
"Okay! So, first we need saddle's." You said
"I got some!" Apollo said
"How?" Fleur asked
"Brought some just incase, NightTail is a little hasty. And since the training academy has a life supply of saddles I brought some for everyone. We might need to make some customs for a few when we get back but it'll be fine for a little rest flight with the dragons!" Apollo replied.

"Is that good?" You asked
ShockStriker roared as some of his spines almost pierced the saddle but with an easy adjustment they were okay
"Yeah, it's a little small but I'll get you a new one soon!" Amira said
TorchTongue roared while nodding
"Perfect fit!" Apollo exclaimed
NightTail ram around while looking at his new saddle happily
"Getting on you is going to be hard."
Fleur stated
DayFlight roared while lowering herself to the ground so that when the time was ready they'd be good
"There you go!" Koami said
ShiverWing raised his wings while looking at his saddle that seemed to be a perfect match
"Is that good DreadJaw?" Talia asked
DreadJaw roared as he ran around happily and roared with joy.
"Now that that's done. Who wants to go for a ride?" You asked
"Sure!" Talia said
"Where though?" Apollo questioned
"Hmm. I've got a feeling that we should go to where ShiverWing came from, we can go get his algae from there!" Koami exclaimed
"Okay." Fleur replied
You had hopped on top of ShockStriker and surprisingly you were actually far from the ground but it didn't really matter too you as long as you didn't hit it.

"Let's go?" You said
The dragons propelled into the air happily while roaring
"This is going surprisingly smooth."
Apollo stated
"I mean. Does one of our dragons have a broken tail fin?" Fleur said
ShockStriker flew back down with the others getting beside DreadJaw with Talia on his back
"I prove my point. Sharp classes are great!" Talia said
DreadJaw roared as Talia fixed her posture on the saddle and ran into the forest with you and the others following behind.
"Koami, ShiverWing. Lead the way!" You said
ShiverWing screeched as DreadJaw jumped into the water and kept afloat while running on top of it
"Too the island!" Amira exclaimed
NightTail flew alongside DayFlight happily while ShiverWing took the lead with Koami
"Feels good to be back up here?"
You asked
ShockStriker roared as TorchTongue lit up the sky which was surprising since the sun was right on us
"Just a question. What if we find dragon hunters or angry dragons?" Apollo asked
"Battle!" You said
"Run!" Amira added.
You laughed as ShockStriker flapped his wings letting himself go faster
"For the most feared dragon in the archipelago and the fastest while riding lightning he's pretty calm." Talia said happily.

"We're here!" Koami said
ShiverWing landed and sniffed around as Koami got off and so did we all
"I never knew that riding on a dragon who can walk on water would be pleasant."
Talia stated
DreadJaw sniffed the ground while growling a Yak grazing off in the distance
"Where's that glowing river?" Fleur said
DayFlight shot spines at a tree too mark where they were as they trudged into the forest
"Find anything ShiverWing?" Koami asked
TorchTongue had watched a Fireworm land on the tree before turning to quite the suspicious trail of leaves
"Over there!" Talia said
ShiverWing scuttled off as DayFlight followed behind along with ShockStriker.
"Here it is!" Koami said
A river filled with glowing Algae was before them and it illuminated the rocks around as ShiverWing had tasted a little before eating it
"This stuff is really bright!" You exclaimed
ShockStriker touched it a little before backing up when he had gotten some of it on his claw
"And sticky!" Talia said
"That's disgusting." Fleur stated
DayFlight backed up from it
"I got some! Now we can limit the fish your eating and switch too this weird bioluminescent algae I have!"
Koami said clearly excited.

"Let's get going. Before Berk does start too notice." Apollo said
"No fun! But fine." Fleur replied
ShockStriker roared scratching his claw on a rock too clean it before you hopped on
"Back to Berk we go!" Koami said
ShiverWing roared flying up into the air as Talia and DreadJaw had went towards the water quickly
"Hmm. What if we find the dragon riders here?" Apollo asked
"Good question!" Amira said
"Be yelled at." Fleur stated
"Be questioned?" You added
"Be escorted back to berk!" Talia exclaimed
"Join the dragon riders?" Koami answered
"One of those 4 things!" Apollo said
NightTail shot a fireball into the ocean which had visibly scared some fish away from Talia and DreadJaw's path.
"Bye guys!" You said
You had all got there and were just leaving to head back to Berk for the day since the dragons were pretty tired excluding DreadJaw who'd be awake all night since he was nocturnal.
"Hurry!" Fleur said
You guys ran into Berk behind huts and stables for dragons until you had all made it too Talia's house which was just the perfect temperature since the Nadder's enjoyed landing on top of the roof bringing quite the heat.

Word count: 1004 words

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