Gently, she rests her chin on my chest, "You."

We both smile. Take me away, Vy. Make me better, like you somehow seem to do. Don't leave me behind.

I have to force myself out of the thoughts otherwise I'd be perfectly content standing here and staring at her within my moonlit room. Instead, I reach over to my drawers and pull out a hoodie for her.

"Thanks." She says as she takes it, walking backwards towards my bathroom. She opens her mouth like she's gonna speak but shuts it, swiftly pivoting and shutting the door behind her.

I chew on my bottom lip to stifle a smile. I don't think she's ever gonna get better at hiding her nervousness. There's practically a big red sign on her head: I've got butterflies right now.

I love it.

It doesn't take her long to slip out of the bathroom, as I'm pulling off my t-shirt and I stop to just look over her for a second.

"What?" She asks now, pulling the sleeves until they're over her hands.

"It's-" I shake my head, "You're in black. I've never seen you in black."

She's also in my hoodie. It's big enough to reach below her knees, drowning her petite body. With those green eyes and freckled cheeks and my clothes, the sight of her's like a punch to the stomach.

"It's a demon colour." She announces, "For demon people."

"Come over her then, angel." I quip and she smiles a little before walking over to the bed.

"I can sleep on the floor." My lips curl upwards, "It'd probably help you renounce any thoughts of me fucking you. So I'm glad to help-"

"Shut up." She narrows her eyes and challenges, "I'm perfectly fine at controlling myself."

"You sure, Violet Fawn?" I peruse.

There's a moment of silence. I may have slightly manipulated her, here. Challenging her into letting me sleep with her. Violet in my bedroom? Fuck no, I am not sleeping on the shitty floor.

"Yup." She nods and then pulls back the covers, getting in. Mission accomplished.

She gets in and almost immediately wraps herself up in a burrito, until I can barely see her face from the covers. I get in besides her and turn to face her, the covers haphazardly over my bare torso. I hear her little yawn, watch the way her body curls up like she wants to burrow into the comforter. 

"Try harder and you'll disappear."

"I've never been in a bed with somebody else." She blurts now, muffled because of the covers.

Gently, I pull them down until I can see her enough.

"Who were you running from tonight, Vy?" I ask and it's so easy, to hear the underlying anguish in my voice. It's all I've been able to think about. Her trembling body and the words she said. If she doesn't tell me, something, anything about all this pain that's inside her, I think I might go insane.

She pops her head out just to say, "Demons."


Those pretty lips lift, almost tauntingly, "Ev."

Her eyes are tired. I can see she's fighting to try and stay awake but I don't want her to sleep just yet.

Violet Amory's demons are secret but strong. And I fear, constantly, that one day she'll retreat and I won't be able to bring her back by pulling her into my arms. The way they take her breath, steal her composure.

Misfits (#2)Where stories live. Discover now