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If you had reached this part, I sincerely thank you for reading my story! This has been a real rollercoaster ride for me. I enjoyed writing it and I'm satisfied with how it ended.

I just realized it now while writing the last part, I've been mentioning runaway when it's supposed to be runway. That was so embarrassing. I'm sorry about that.

You see, I'm not a native English speaker and I rarely recheck what I've written so there will be moments where the grammar is wrong so I apologize about that.

But anyways! I hope you guys enjoyed this one! I hope you learned something because honestly, some lines hits a bit different to me.

And I forgot to add this but... Rings that are worn on the right ring finger are often associated with ideas of love and relationships, creativity, beauty, and romance.

Figured I need to let you guys know that I searched for the meaning of the ring placement because I find it extra romantic if it's like that.

Thank you again for reading!! And if you'll allow me, I'll see you on my next?


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