43-Paid Efforts

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Models rushed in and out as the runaway formally starts. Jake stares in awe at the large crowd from the backstage.

"Ready for your speech later?"

An arm wrapped on his waist woke Jake from his thoughts. He smiled.

"Of course Director. I won't let you down."

Sunghoon just chuckled.

"You never let me down..."

Jake just smiled.

"Director... After this...."

Sunghoon turned to him.

"Mom prepared a dinner for us... Do you have any plans?"

Jake indeed has one. He hesitated for a moment before he nodded to Sunghoon.

"Can we go somewhere first? I want to go there..."

Sunghoon hummed.


"I would like to thank everyone for coming today.... It has been a very long ride before we reached here but here we finally are... We did it."

Sunghoon took a deep breath and gestured his team.

"Behind these gorgeous designs, this setting, this atmosphere, every single detail was possible because of them... And I won't just get the credit on my own because I can say it with great confidence that it is because of my team."

"These five are what we can say my personally chosen people to join me on this project. They worked very very hard for this... And I can clearly see that it had paid off very well."

Sunghoon gestured for Jake to take a step forward.

"Before anything else, I know some of you wanted to hear him too after everything... And so here he is... My one and only, Shim Jaeyun."

Jake smiled and took a deep breath.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I hope everyone enjoyed the show... This is Shim Jaeyun, I go by the name Jake but I'm formally called here as Secretary Shim..."

"Yes, I work at Fashion Bites... Director Park Sunghoon is my boss... And I worked with them for this project..."

Jake bowed.

"Thank you very much for giving us a chance to present our designs properly despite the ruckus that I had created.... It was delayed but what matters now is that finally, our efforts will be seen properly."

"I hope you will continue to support our company, especially our Director now that he can have a line on his own... Once again, thank you very much.."

Sunghoon was proud. He has his gaze on Jake's back as he listens to him. The five was standing proud too, never once doubted and will always continue to support Jake.

"Our project, Future Perfect, is finally opened... This has been Park Sunghoon, Director of Fashion Bites, thank you for attending."

A loud applause echoed inside the area. Sunghoon grabbed Jake's hand on his right and Haegon's on his left. They all intertwined their hands and bowed to the audience.

Finally, it is done.

Lots of media cornered Sunghoon after they ended. Jake watched him fondly before he headed to the backstage to help.

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