42-The Night Before

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-The long italic part is a flashback~


Jake took deep breaths as he stared at his reflection.

"Yes. You're still as handsome as ever darling... Nothing will change that."

His nervousness eased the moment he turned to Sunghoon.

"Thanks. You're also handsome..."

Sunghoon smiled to him.

"Shall we go? It's our usual office time...."

Jake hesitated but then Sunghoon just pulled him for a hug.

"Don't worry... Everything's okay now... The team misses you too... And besides... Didn't we agree to finally have the runaway this Friday? I can't do that without you.. So I need you back darling.."

Jake just hugged him tighter. After contemplating, he released a deep breath and moved away.

"Fine... Let's go then..."

Sunghoon just smiled again and intertwined their hands.

"We can walk on the back if you want to..."

"No it's fine... You'll be beside me right?"

Sunghoon didn't even hesitated and answered him fast.

"Yes of course. This time, I won't ever let you go..."

Jake smiled and kissed Sunghoon's hand.

"And I will never be away anymore..."

Chohwan's face immediately brightened once he saw Jake.


Jake was pulled to such tight hugs, one after another.


"We missed you!"

"Finally Director Park can also be at ease here in the office."

"You were away for a long time we missed your second month of stay here!"

"You'll never leave us anymore right?"

That question from Nabi stopped the noise from the room. Jake turned to her and nodded.

"Of course he won't. As long as he have me...."

Sunghoon proudly stated as he hooks his arm around Jake's waist.

"I've got the best secretary and lover all in one..."

Jake blushed before he playfully pushed Sunghoon. He turned to the five and bowed.

"Thank you for putting up with my foolishness and for trusting me so much... I'm so lucky and honored to work with such amazing people like you guys..."

"Oh come on! It's not like we're the only one's who's amazing!! YOU are also amazing Secretary Shim!"

Minhee gave Jake a thumbs up. As much as Haegon wanted to continue with the chat, he raised his hand to get everyone's attention.

"Guys.... I KNOW we're supposed to have fun but... Work's going to get piled up if we won't finish them..."

Minseo snapped her fingers.

"RIGHT! Now that Secretary Shim is back! I need you to get this!!"

Jake widened his eyes at the sudden pile that they brought in front of him.

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