34-Emptiness and Realization

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Sunghoon didn't got enough sleep on the weekends. He went home and locked himself on his room. His mother seemed to not question anything about his strange actions, he's thankful for that.

Monday came fast as Sunghoon hoped for. He hurriedly fixed himself and went to the company.

Sunghoon opened the room where they stays with the team and only found Nabi.

"Good morning Director Park."

"Where are the others?"

Nabi looked at the empty chairs.

"Chohwan went to buy me a drink... The other three is still on their way..."

"Where's Jake?"

If Nabi noticed the worry on Sunghoon's tone, she totally didn't mind.

"I'm afraid I can't answer your question Director... After... After last week, when Secretary Shim wanted to talk to you, we haven't seen him yet..."

Nabi doesn't actually know how to comfort someone with words but she still tried her best.

"Maybe he's just late Director... It might be the first time but it's not that bad right? Since Secretary Shim is human too..."

Even if she herself knows that it's a lie.

"Right... That could be the case..."

"I'll.. I'll be at our office... Call me when he comes okay?"

"Yes Director."

Nabi watched him walk away. When the door was finally closed, she looked at the center table and the two empty seats.

"Secretary Shim... Why do you have to go?"

Sunghoon finds it suffocating. He doesn't know why but he can't seem to be at ease. He stared at his office and just realized how wide it is.

'I've been here for a long time now?'

Sunghoon sat on his seat and sighed. He glanced at the small table on his right.

Somehow he can see Jake there.

"Director... I think this column's a bit unbalanced..."

"Isn't this supposed to be green?"

"Director. Today, you have two meetings and the dinner date with Chairman Park..."

Sunghoon looked at his calendar.

"Right.... I don't have any meetings scheduled today... The week is the finalization of the presentation..."

Despite the fact that Sunghoon had memorized his schedule, he still asks Jake about it.

Something about the way Jake's eyes lit up whenever he is confident about his answer cheers Sunghoon.


"Director Park..."

"But how about this one Director?"

Sunghoon can still hear him loud and clear. He shook his head and released a breath.

"He'll show up... I'm sure of it..."

Sunghoon convinced himself. But the whole day had passed, Jake didn't showed up at all.

Sunghoon stared at his reflection. Again, he didn't got enough sleep.

"Good morning Director Park."

Sunghoon nodded.

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