30-Jake's Past

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-That long italic part is a flashback. I toned it down I think but still here's the warning.

tw // abuse


The day had passed quicker than Jake thought. And throughout the day, it seemed like the team had prevented him to go out of the office.

"Secretary Shim!! Let's go home!?! Director Park will drive us home!!"

Jake looked at Chohwan and smiled.

"Thank you..."

There goes another tap on his shoulder. Even if he wanted to listen to the gossips around him, Jake couldn't hear them due to how loud the five is on his side.

Jake is thankful for that.

"Director? Where's Uncle Beom Seok?"

Jake couldn't help but to comment when they reached the parking lot. What confused Jake again is that the five started to move away from him, hands waving.

"See you tomorrow Secretary Shim!!!!"

Jake looked at them, puzzled.


Then he looked at Sunghoon who's already walking towards a car. Jake tilted his head.

"Get in."

The door to the passenger's seat was opened and Jake just processed what happened.

He will have the ride with Sunghoon.

Just the two of them.

Doesn't want to decline, Jake followed and silently placed his seatbelt.

"I'll give you the ride instead."

Sunghoon spoke first the moment he started driving.

"Is everything okay today?"

Jake couldn't help but to glance at him.


"With what happened... You know it by now that we still don't believe whatever rumors are spreading around... I don't know if you had noticed it but the team had been extra caring for you..."

Jake nodded.

"They told me about what they wanted to do. And as their leader, I gave it a thought and we came up with this as the answer...."

They both watched the traffic light go red.

"I hope you won't mind me driving you home from now on...."

Jake couldn't find his voice to answer.

"I asked for an investigation... And as they're currently working on it, I will be at your side... Let's watch it unfold since I know that you're not that type of person who'll do things underhandedly."

Sunghoon glanced at him for a moment before he continued driving.

"What's on your mind?"

"It's not like I'm asking you to tell me everything but right now... I just wanted to know what you're thinking..."

"You're my secretary. You work for me. It makes sense that I'll worry about you right?"

"I find this side of you new... I'm not used to the silent Jake..."

Jake gulped, hearing his name being addressed without the title again.


Sunghoon had parked his car and turned to Jake.

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