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Jake took a moment to calm down. He regained his composure and went to take a drink. With unsteady hands, he dialed Sunoo's number. In just one ring, the younger answered.


Jake smiled.

"Hey Sun..."

"Hyung! How are you?! Is everything okay now?! Do you need help? I NEED AN HONEST ANSWER THIS TIME!!!"

Jake sat on his couch and covered his face with his other hand.

"Gosh... Thank you..."

Sunoo furrowed his eyebrows.

"What's wrong? Are they bullying you at work? Tell me hyung. I'm willing to do anything for you.."

Jake released a breath. He stared at his ceiling, hand on his phone gripping tighter.

"Say Sunoo.... If you need to decide between two things... And you don't know what to choose... What will you do?"

Sunoo kept quiet immediately. The younger has been waiting for Jake's call since the incident. Even if Sunoo wanted to call Jake or even go to him personally, he gave his brother the space.

Because Sunoo knows that Jake needs it.

"It depends on the situation and on what are the choices hyung... Why? Is someone making you choose?"

"Yeah... What if... You can actually clean the mess that you unconsciously made by giving up the space that you made effort to create?? If that happens to you... Will you give up your space?"

There was a long silence before Sunoo answered.

"First and foremost. I'll think about the space that I had created first... Will that space be alright with me sacrificing like that?"

"There are things that for sure is hard to prevent once it already happened... But hyung... You need to remember that when such happenings happen, you should be aware of the people around you too..."

"Because they also make up your space right?"

Jake looked down and bit his lip.

"Yeah... That makes it much harder... They're doing their best to fix my mess and yet I can't even do anything about it..."

"I don't believe that."


"I don't believe that my hyung doesn't do anything... Because of all the people, I know how genuine my hyung is to the people he cares to..."

"Hyung if you're struggling to decide... Then why not ask them too? Maybe they can help you... After all, they'll be affected too right?"

Jake couldn't stop his tears again.

“But Director Park..."

“Hmmm? What about the Director hyung?”

“Sunoo... I've heard nothing except words of comfort and trust to them... They believe in me before I could even say a word.."

"And that hurts because I disappointed them... I keep on disappointing the people who are taking me under their roof... I can't continue living like this... Why can't I just be a proper employee even for once? Why can't—"

"Hyung stop belittling yourself... If you can't do it for yourself, then do it for me... For us... Hyung you need to know that you're also worth it..."

Sunoo sniffs.

"Stop acting as if everything's your fault! That when things go wrong, it's only YOU that needs to be blamed!!! Why can't you think about yourself even just for once?! Think about what you really love hyung!!"

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