32. In sickness and in health

Start from the beginning

"Maybe you're afraid of seeing that Sanem again." said Bulut, hitting the nail on the head, voicing a thought Can didn't want to admit.

"Which Sanem?" he asked.

"Can, that Sanem. The Sanem that was sick." pointed out Bulut, referring to the past. " You have already seen her once... and in the worst way. Her image has stuck with you and now you are over protective even when she gets a scratch. Am I wrong?" Bulut analysed him.

Can shook his head. "No. That's it." Can admitted, lowering his head embarrassed. "It's just... I want her to be OK."

"She's fine, Can." replied Bulut confidently patting him on the shoulder. "It's probably just the stress of everything that's happened to you since you got back. Work, family, plans. It's just a moment. It will pass. I'm sure it will." he tried to comfort him.

"I hope so." was Can's reply.

"Come on, Can, be optimistic. I'm sure as soon as he sees you, she will have already forgiven you." said Bulut smiling, trying to cheer him up.

"We'll see. I'm off. Thank you Bulut." Can greeted him.

"You are welcome. Have a good evening." he replied.

Can walked towards the loft. He looked around, outside in the garden, but it was empty. He entered the house and saw that there was a commotion on the kitchen counter. A sign that Sanem was doing something. He called out to her. "Sanem?"

She did not answer. He thought she was in bedroom, so he went to see. 'Maybe she's in the shower,' he thought. "Sanem?" called Can to her as he entered in the room.

"Can I come in?" He waited for an answer which did not come. She checked the room and both their bathroom and the walk-in wardrobe were not there. He also checked the other rooms, to no avail.

So he returned to the kitchen. He looked at the mess on the floor and thought "it must not have gone that far." He decided to go and look in the vegetable garden. He walked around the back of the house and following the small path he arrived at his destination. It was clearly empty, but instinctively he called her anyway. "Sanem?"

He noticed that the plants had recently been watered. The hose his wife used was still wet, as were her flowers. She had been here. He thought about where he had found her the last time. "Could she be on the terrace?" he asked himself. He turned back and resumed the path. Once in front of the fork that led either to the loft or to their new home, Can, turned his head towards the loft kitchen windows, to see if she had returned in the meantime. Nothing. Not a leaf was moving.

Then he looked up at the outside staircase leading to the terrace. He heard noises coming from up there. So he didn't think twice and ran up to the top. He took a look. There was no one on the terrace, just a cat playing with one of the small plastic pots Sanem used to pot up his seedlings. He was not so surprised by the cat. They were in the countryside and there were many stray animals nearby: dogs, cats, rabbits and so on. He was more surprised about the pot the kitten had.

Sanem was not used to coming up here to arrange plants. It was illogical even for her to climb all those stairs for plants that lived in the garden below.

"Had the cat brought it there? Who knows!" he thought.

Everything around was in order. The sofas and coffee table had not been touched. Can approached the little kitten to pick up the potty. The kitten was a bit wary and as soon as he saw his approach, scurried down the stairs. Can grabbed the potty in his hands, looked up and looked out onto one of the three sides of the terrace. From there he could see everything. From the side he was on, he could see the loft with its stained glass windows and the garden in front, together with the staircase he had just climbed.