Chapter 1: The Beginning

Start from the beginning

W: I need to know who is teaching my baby boy shouldn't I?

M: Mm-hm.

C: So who's dropping me off at school?

W: Who usually drops you off at school, bud?

C: You.

W: So why won't I drop you off today?

C: Because you only have to meet Matty's teacher.

W: Only after I drop you off.

C: Oh.

W: Here you go boys, do you need me to help you Mathew.

M: No daddy, I can eat myself.

W: Well I hope you don't because I will miss you.

C: Haha.

W: But if you want to eat by yourself then that's okay.

M: That's what I mean daddy! (He sighed)

W: I know baby.

They finished breakfast and everyone got ready to leave, William packed lunches for his sons and then put Mathew in his car seat while Connor put on the seatbelt. William got into the car and started driving to Connor's school.

Connor's School...

William pulled up to Connor's school and went to help Mathew out of his car seat and then the three of them walked into the school. People were starring but they were quite a sight: A man in his early thirties wearing a suit, carrying a five year old in his arms and holding the hand of an eleven year old. He was busy talking to his sons when a man walked up to him with a boy who looked almost as old as Connor did.

Michael: Hi excuse me, we're new in town and I need to get Jake to his class but I cannot seem to find it, so I was wondering if you could possibly point me in the right direction.

W: Sure, in what class is he?

Jake: I'm in fifth grade.

C: So am I!

W: Which class are you in, Jake?

J: Uhm?

Mi: He is in a Mrs Stanley's class.

W: So is Connor, you can walk with us.

Mi: Thank you. Nice to meet you, I'm Michael Sanders.

W: Nice to meet you too, I'm William McVey and this is my other son Mathew.

M: I'm five!

Mi: Well nice to meet you Mathew.

C: Daddy!

W: We're going, don't worry, we won't be late. This way.

William and Michael walked to Connor's class in relative silence while the three boys talked the entire way. When they arrived at Mrs Stanley's class the boys walked away quickly and were both called back by their father's who were both asking for hugs. The boys looked at each other before giving their father's and brother in Connor's case hugs before running back into the class.

Mi: It was very nice to meet you, all three of you but I really need to go, can't be late for my first day on the job.

W: No you can't, uh this is my card you can call me if you need any more help.

Mi: I'll be sure to, thank you. (He smiled, taking the card that William was offering)

W: See you soon?

Mi: Sure. See you soon Mathew.

M: You too Mr Sanders.

Mi: You can call me Michael.

M: okay.

Mi: Both of you enjoy your day.

W: We will and you too.

William stood and watched as Michael walked away and only snapped out of it when Mathew hit his chest to get his attention.

M: Daddy, I also want to go to school.

W: Sorry baby, let's go.

William put Mathew into his car seat, strapping him in before getting into the driver's seat. The entire drive over to Mathew's school he couldn't get Michael's smile out of his head. When they got to the pre-school Mathew insisted on carrying his own backpack and walking by himself since he wasn't a small child anymore, William just laughed and walked next to him. When they got to the class Mathew asked his father to pick him up and William picked him up, before knocking on the class door. When the class door was opened they were all surprised...

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