.EP 52. [S-2]

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The world went silent as that soul breathe was taken away, heaviness filled everyone's heart no one expected that it would be the last day they would hear from him ever again

Tears started to fall down, while the room was making silent noises of the beeping machines as the warm hands with heart filled of love was wiping the tender skin that was lying down without any motion

Yes, taehyung was alive but unconscious for the past one month


Jin dropped the phone and had his world crash down and Namjoon and Ymira was sick worried and the family rushed to the hospital to see their beloved son in a pool of blood, his heart was breaking to see the body he wiped carefully with his hands filled with scraped and torn fleshes, Jin was sobbing and Ymira went into immediate panic attack when she saw her hyung, and Namjoon couldn't believe whatever he was seeing the doctors were rushing here and there, Jin saw his taehyung's body lifting up when the doctors gave a wave of shock for his heart to function back, nothing was working

Jin was losing his mind and the guy who called Jin handed taehyung's phone and stuffs, his eyes still in horror

Guy: Sir, this you son's belongings, he was into an accident looks like he tried crossing the road

Jin's hands were shaking as he took the belongs of tae, the screen of the phone was broke, the small family picture on his phone case was splashed with blood and Jin began to scream as he sat down crying and yelling and Namjoon did not know whom to console whether to calm down the screaming Jin who was shattering or his daughter who was just stuck looking at the room her brother was lying down

Doctors refused to say anything and Yoongi heard the news and rushed to the hospital with Jimin

YG: Hyung, *panicked* where is he?!!

And Namjoon pointed the room and when Yoongi took a peek, his heart shattered yoongi never get swayed very easily nor let his guard down, but today he was shattered to see his best friend in that state, his heart stopped for a minute, he remembered today afternoon of how taehyung asked him to cook food for him and bring for lunch, he never knew that would be the last lunch he would have with his friend and Jimin did not know how to handle this mess, yoongi was trying to stand but he was collapsing and Jimin held him

JM: Yoongi, no you can't let your guard down

And that day the universe shut itself down as its favorite child was suffering life or death, the doctors decided to do an emergency operation for taehyung as his situation was quite serious and stuffs, after nearly 3 hours of surgery the doctors came out and the family rushed to them

NJ: Is my son alright doctor?!!

DR: for now, we have bought him back from the critical condition, his brain in damaged we don't know when he will wake up

The family felt their world crush down by both body and soul, no one did not know what to do now

And like that one month passed by, taehyung's health was the same he never opened his eyes nor nothing, Jin stays by his side 24/7 and refuses to even get away from him and it was worrying Namjoon so much, because Jin was not eating properly nor sleeping too and Joon was taking care of the company as tae was in the hospital, the company made an official statement regarding tae's health and the break he was taking as the CEO of the company

Jin was wiping taehyung, as his tears were falling down on his skin

Jin: taehyung ah, you know what? Dada messed up again?! *rolls his eyes* he broke my favorite watch, aish why is your dada like this baby?!! Ahm?!! Will you get appa the same exact watch ahn?!

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