.EP 38. [S-2]

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One week already passed by and tae was not allowed step outside the house for a week and he was pampered by both of his Dad's and yoongi was teasing of how he was taken care like a kid and on the other hand the art museum was getting ready for its reopening ceremony because tae wanted to open it on JKs birthday and it had only 2 more days left and so much work was left and it was one fine morning

TH: Appa I will get going now !!

Jin: get home soon !! tae and you are not staying in the office understand

TH: sure, appa as asked I will be home soon

Ymira: Hyung !! drop me at the university I am too lazy to take a bus today

TH: you are a vampire you can fly and go though

And ymira looked at Jin

Ymira: I am not allowed to use my powers as said by appa

And tae looked at Jin

TH: why appa?!

Jin: what if?! She falls in love with a human it would be difficult and by the way she is living with humans using powers is prohibited unless and until it's needed

TH: not another word can be spoken, okay I will drop you princess

And with that Tae took his car keys and ymira too got inside the car after sometime tae reached the university his sister was studying and ymira got down from the car

Ymira: okay!! Hyung see you in the evening bye

And she hugged her brother and girls who saw taehyung were already drooling over him and men behaved gay for taehyung all of a sudden

Ymira: oops!! Hyung leave soon

TH: why?!!

Ymira looked at tae

Ymira: if you don't want to be surrounded by women and men asking for your number then leave now

Tae smirked and took a quick glance at his surroundings

TH: but this heart of mine already belongs to someone my little princess

He ruffled her hair and got inside the car and she was so confused and tae left the campus and everyone came to ymira asking about the guy who dropped her because tae never came to her university except the time of admission and ymira somehow escaped all of them and left inside

Meanwhile tae after some drive he reached his office and his face changed straight and cold because tae has two different sides one in office his strict behavior and looks and to his people his soft side tae was welcomed and greeted by all and he reached his cabin and Mr. Chen came in minutes to tae's cabin

Chen: Good morning sir *bows down*

TH: *hangs his court* Morning Chen, so how is the work for the art museum going on?!

Chen: most of the work is over sir, we need to hang back the paintings and little more things then everything is over

TH: Good then and by the way when we are having the meeting with the art committee?!

Chen checks tae's schedule

Chen: sir, today around 2pm after your lunch sir

TH: Good *nods his head* and by the way did yoongi come by the office?!

Chen: No, sir he did not come by

TH: okay, you can get going and Chen please arrange a reopening party for the art museum on the day of reopening okay

𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 [ A taekook Vampire ff - Completed]Where stories live. Discover now