12| I need you

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Those who escaped death just by a whisker described their death experiences as something miraculous. Some saw Jesus when their lives ebbed out of their bodies, some claimed to see the light calling onto them to walk through what he would term as 'the gateway to heaven'.

For Seth however, as he felt his body collapse through the roof down the table in their living room, he saw nothing. How he felt however, was like a WWE wrestler being slammed against a rather hard surface that nearly broke his back.

He was starting to regret not listening to Jessica. He was starting to question himself a couple of times on who he was anymore. The only reason he had climbed that roof was to 'fix the roof'. Notice the air quotes on the words 'fix the roof'.

Nay, it wasn't the roof he was fixing or the roof he claimed to be fixing when Jessica asked him what he was doing on the roof.

Atleast the Biblical Zaccheaus had a good reason for climbing a sycamore tree, what was his excuse? That he was starting to become a creep? Climbing roofs just to spy on the woman he may or may not have hated?

Since when had he resorted to such measures like waiting up for a woman or more so spying on her when it was clearly wrong? He was Seth Sandoval Cervantes for God's sake, the guy who would single handedly save a multi million contract with mere words.

He was the guy that women waited for, the guy that women drooled over and now? Like one of those women back home who acted desperate for his attention he was no different. He was desperate. He was jealous...? Of what? Her? Jessica was not his type.

She was not his type.

She couldn't be his type.

"Nagkaroon siya ng banayad na concussion. Walang seryoso"

He suffered a mild concussion. Nothing serious.

As much as he hated it, Manny's voice was the first to greet him the minute he opened his eyes. Manny was standing beside his old man and a couple of workers Seth had met at the site, his eyes scanned the room.

"It is your fault!"Manny's mother spoke harshly rendering the two men behind her mute.

"You two need good house",she relented leaning to where Seth was.

He sat up, placing his back against the headboard of the bed. His eyes scanned the room once more and yet...the one person he expected to be there wasn't. Jessica Davis didn't give a flying shit whether he lived or died.

"Jessica?" He asked looking at the sixty something woman by his side.

He didn't expect to hear anything like 'she was worried sick about you' but yet he asked about her because that was how much he cared. He needed to know that she hadn't been hurt.

She wasn't hurt though. He heard her. In the middle of all the pain, the wood piercing his back, the dust clogging his lungs, he heard her.

I need you.

Amidst all things she had said, Jessica Davis had uttered the words 'need and you' in the same sentence.

"Oh dear. Nag-aalala siya na hindi ka na magigising. Ang kaawa-awang bagay ay hindi makayanang makita ka sa ganitong estado"

She was worried that you were never going to wake up. Poor thing couldn't bear seeing you in this state

"Where? Where is she?" He groaned feeling as if his back had been pricked by a hive of bees.

"Ah you are not in the right state to be moving up and about",Manny conveniently said before his mother casually gave an all familiar look of 'back off'.

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