"I-I've become desperate!" Piper yelled exasperated. "It's not even about sex anymore! It's just feeling cared about! How am I suppose to focus when all I see is your giant fucking cock destroying Annabeth 24/7?!" Piper squeaked, slapping a hand over her mouth. The daughter of Aphrodite had gotten too riled up in her thoughts to filter herself.

"You saw us?" Percy asked surprised, neither of them, despite their slow seduction, had planned for Piper to see them.

Caught red handed by her own confession, Piper couldn't lie any longer. "M-Maybe..." She quickly became interested with the ground under her feet.

She heard his footsteps approach, with no idea what to expect.

When Piper felt his strong arms wrap around her, she leaned into his chest. Ignoring the sweat, she admired his muscles as warmth filled both her body and guiltily... her heart.

Is this was Annabeth felt every night? It was so warm.

Piper felt as if nothing could harm her, as if his embrace single handedly could protect her against any force.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled. "I'm sorry you had to see that."

"Why are you sorry? I was the one spying on you guys!" Piper asked perplexed, why was he sorry?

"This all started around 2 weeks ago..."

"Um... wow." Piper managed to speak, despite all the jaw dropping information she had just received.

Percy apparently had a power he knew very little about. He only discovered one of it's abilities aside from the physical effects according to him and Annabeth.

He had the ability to control people, and Annabeth was allowing him to run freely with it, including fucking other girls as long as he never used the power on her?

Piper supposed Annabeth was smart enough to make good decisions, and somehow, the daughter of Athena knew it was the best option for her to allow him to do so.

Piper also heard of the Clarisse debacle. It was wrong of Percy to do that, even if Clarisse deserved it, but yet, according to him, she did it all within her free will.

Perhaps he started off in the wrong, but by the end he had won Clarisse over.

"You're not going to make me do anything right?" Piper glared at him, with her hands sternly on her hips.

"No, I swear that on my life."

"Why me? Why tell this to me?" She continued to question.

"I want you Pipes." He started, his first four words catching her off guard. "I want you badly, but I refuse to use this power. Sure I have a burning lust inside of me, sure in the future I'll probably use it to get what I want, but with you I just can't."

"It's like with Annabeth, I just can't imagine loving you when you don't love me back." He sat down, staring at the sunrise as Piper sat down next to him, listening intently.

"Clarisse loves me now, and almost all of that is natural, even if I forced the first bit. But if I never forced that first bit, she'd never feel an ounce of love for me. I don't think I could do that to the ones I really care about, you Piper are included high atop that list."

"Where's Annabeth on that list?"

Percy smiled, after all that she's most worried about her best friend. "She's on a list of her own, one no one will ever graze."

Piper gave him a small smile, it was good he had his priorities straight.

"What do you like about me, Percy?"

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