"Ayhan you won't believe it but... I drove the boat back!" exclaimed.

"No way! Did Can really let you?" asked surprised.

"Of course!" she replied almost offended.

"Wow! I'm impressed." admitted Ayhan.

"Me too actually." replied Sanem.

Ayhan and Sanem burst out laughing.

"Look I've improved!" she assured her.

"Yes?" asked Ayhan doubtfully.

"Last time we spoke, I didn't feel like Can was that convinced..... But you know, if you set your mind to something, you are capable of doing anything." said her best friend.

"I'm a traveller now. Sailing is my way of life now."

"Yeah? I hardly believe that... but if you're convinced..." commented Ayhan.

"If Can was here, he would confirm it to you too," replied Sanem.

"What would I confirm to you?" her husband asked as he entered the house.

"Ah! Can!" exclaimed Sanem.

"Did I disturb you? I'm sorry. I just wanted to have some lemonade." said.

"No, in fact, come here. I was just about to call you," she replied.

"Now don't run away from me Ayhan.... You will feel it yourself."

Can walked over and sat on the sofa next to Sanem hugging her.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Hi Can!" greeted him Ayhan.

"Hi Ayhan! How are you?" he replied.

"Fine thanks, you?"

"Couldn't be better." he respond softly looking at his wife who rested her head on his chest.

"Ah! How romantic! You are too beautiful! Too much!" said Ayhan gobbling up the seeds.

"Tell Ayhan a little again what you told me about my boat guide," Sanem replied.

"I get it... this is one of those female questions/tests where the answer decrees the life or death of a man in a relationship." replied Can.

"Can... no, absolutely not! You are way off the mark, there is no test. I just want you to say what you think about it. Mrs Ayhan, life coach here, doesn't believe it."

"Is it true that I drove the boat back?" asked Sanem.

"Yes." he replied.

"And how did I drive it? What do you think? Tell him what you told me about it," Sanem prodded him.

"I don't remember the exact words, but... you did well. I mean, you drove the boat from Orak Island to the vicinity of the pier. The weather conditions were perfect. The sea was good, so you did well," he explained.

"Can Divit, are you retracting?" she retorted.

"Me?!" exclaimed Can. "Why?"

"Are you saying that if I succeeded it is only because of the good weather and the sea? So it is nature that brought us home, huh? Not yours truly at the helm." retorted Sanem promptly.

"Nooo... I definitely didn't mean that. But you can't deny that the absence of wind and the flat sea made the journey easier." he replied.

"Can Divit, I spent two years in the boat and you let me take charge a few rare times throughout our crossing. I took care of the wings, the sails, learned the technical names. I was ready! And now you want to take away my enthusiasm about being able to steer it by myself, the one time you let me? I can't believe it!" blurted out Sanem.