Ch. 2 The Stranger With Even Stranger News

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The next morning)
(Kion's POV)
(I woke up lying on the bottom of a tree with Rani in my paws. It was the cutest thing ever. I was about to get up when she tightened her hug and nuzzled closer to me. I knew that she didn't want to let go and I didn't either but I had to get to Rafiki to check my wounds. So I slowly lift Rani on my back and lay her on the Rock where the queen is to sit.)

Kion: (whispering) "Wake up Rani"
(Rani didn't get up and I didn't want to annoy her so I just limped over to where Rafiki was staying. No one else was awake at this time so I left the tree to get to Rafiki. Walking there was so painful, every time my legs touched the ground I felt like I was on fire.)

Kion: "Argh damnit why does it hurt so much."
(Out of nowhere a lion appears)

"(Out of nowhere a lion appears)

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Kion: Who are you?

Jua: I am Jua. Do you not remember me Swahili"

(Kion had no Idea why this random lion called him that but the way he said it made Kion suspicious of him)

(Kion had no Idea why this random lion called him that but the way he said it made Kion suspicious of him)

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(I edited this screenshot)

Kion: Look My name is Kion, not Swahili. So now with that settled, why are you here Jua?

Jua: Simple to kill the king and queen of the Pride lands (Has an evil smirk on his face).

(Just as Kion was about to roar, Jua appeared a foot in front of him in a flash and punched him in the chest so hard that Kion passed out. It even sent a barrel of wind past Kion.)

Jua: Hm so what Gaia told me was true, you really have lost your memories Swahili. Here I was worried that you regained your full power.(Jua then disappeared)

Time Skip to 11:00am
(Everyone woke up at the same time and had breakfast when Kiara noticed her brother wasn't with them.)

Kiara: Hey has anyone seen Kion?

Baliyo: The last time I saw him was yesterday with Rani.

Nala: Rani, do you have any idea where Kion is?

Rani: (shook her head in disapproval) No. Hey Anga, can you fly up and see him?

Anga: Sure( Anga flew up and used her eagle sight to look for Kion. Then she found him bleeding lightly on the ground unconscious.)

(As soon as Rani heard the word bleeding she ran faster than she ever ran before with one thought in her head "Please be alive Kion")

Simba: How did he get that far?

Azzad: He probably went to this monkey friend of yours to get healed.

Ono: Yeah but he shouldn't be able to move in the state that he's in.

Bunga: Yeah he sure is tough as hell.

Kovu: That's true but as tough as he is, he isn't immortal so we have to hurry.

Rani: YEA SO HURRY UP!!! (Rani had tears in her eyes at the thought that Kion wouldn't survive) (Rani made it to Kion first and nuzzled his face) "Kion wake up please"(She wipes her tears away)

Rani: YEA SO HURRY UP!!! (Rani had tears in her eyes at the thought that Kion wouldn't survive) (Rani made it to Kion first and nuzzled his face) "Kion wake up please"(She wipes her tears away)

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Simba: "Nirmala, is there anything you can do?"

Nirmala: "No, I need Rafiki's help."

Kovu: "I'll carry him to Rafiki."( Gets Kion on his back and runs to Rafiki with everyone following suit.)

At Rafiki's

Rafiki: Asante sana squash banana(Then everyone runs in)

Everyone: Rafiki HELP!!!"

Rafiki: My My Simba you look terrible what happened.

Simba: It's Kion, He got into a fight with a leopard and got injured really badly.

Rafiki: Oh no, hurry, set him down there on that rock. (Kovu went over to the rock and lets Kion down on it)

Nala: Rafiki, Nirmala, will he be okay?(All of Kion's family members had tears forming in their eyes)

Rafiki: It is to early to tell

Nirmala: The way he is right now, it's a 50/50 chance. Rani I know you don't want to hear this but (Rani screamed at Nirmala with the saddest scream she ever made in her life)

 Rani I know you don't want to hear this but (Rani screamed at Nirmala with the saddest scream she ever made in her life)

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Rani: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Rani ran out crying all the way to her secret spot under a waterfall.)

Time-skip to 5:00pm

Rani: Please don't die Kion. I need you more than you can know. I love you.

That's the End of CH.2

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