In The Ghost Of Mariano's (27/9/2022)

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So, just recently (months ago, May I think) I figured out I wasn't living in my body alone. And even more recently (a week ago, give or take about 16 hours) I figured out exactly what the description for what I have is. OSDD, which is Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder. It's a term for people who are cracked in the head, but aren't so pronounced about it as other people with a dissociative disorder. The big one most people would recognize is "Multiple Personalities" which is an outdated term now. It's now going by the name of DID, Dissociative Identity Disorder. There are very clear cut barriers between the separate people, and they don't share memories.

Now, OSDD and DID are different because OSDD is a more general diagnosis and has less severe separations than DID. For instance, someone with DID might suddenly find themselves in a store with no memory of how they got there, while someone with OSDD will remember all of the actions taken to get to the store, but have no control over any of it, because someone else is in control.

The reason I went and researched this stuff, is because for months now, the self diagnosis I had given myself (DID) didn't feel perfectly correct. It was on the whole, accurate. It had all the right descriptions. But it had some things I didn't. So I went digging, and found what OSDD was, and that fits me much better. From a chapter I had written previously, I talked about being forced to not be who I was while on a bad trip. That was me having a full separation long enough and sudden enough to recognize all the parts as what they were, and not just gloss over the issue as I normally do. That separation made it very apparent what was happening, and now that I know what was happening and how, I feel amazingly better. I can't say that I'm happier exactly, but I'm more aware of what is going on in myself. And I'm a hell of a lot more satisfied about where I am now.

That's pretty much it for this short little talk. I just felt I needed to get that off of my chest. Thanks for reading.

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