A few seconds later the door opened and there was the black haired girl that Danialla met a few days ago, “meriel?” Danialla asked, a bit shocked.

“Danialla! What are you doing here?” the merfairy asked, smiling. The accent was very fluent, although it wasn’t like the other Narnians accents. 

“I actually don’t know. Tinselganda didn’t tell me. Did you request anything?” Danialla asked.

“Oh! That! Yes, I forgot to ask. Am I allowed to go down to the ocean tonight? Every full moon I have to go or else I get very sick.”

Danialla sighed, “Well I don’t know the details, but I am thinking you can. If you need to do it because of that, I am sure that Pete will accept it. I can tell him after he gets out of his meeting though and then give you a direct answer,” Danialla said, thoughtfully.

meriel sighed in delight, “Oh thank the gods of the sky and sea! I’ll probably be in the girls lounge in an hour for a few hours, so you can find me there!”

Danialla looked at her odd for a second but then nodded. She’s not used to hearing the word ‘gods’, “Of course meriel. Do you need your bed made or anything?”

“Well. . . ” meriel looked at her room, “It does need some cleaning. Although I don’t want you to deal with it, I mean, you are practically royal from what I hear.”

Danialla smiled at her, “I honestly love cleaning, and I do not what-so-ever want to be part of the royal family. I don’t want to ever be related to Edmund Pevensie unless it is out of hatred.

meriel looked at her with her mouth gaped open, hardly believing the words that came from the girl’s mouth. She looked around.

“Well, I guess you can clean it if you wish. I’ll be in the Selection lounge,” Danialla nodded at the merfairy and walked in the room. Looking at the red curtains with beauty designs. It must be heaven being in a room like this. 

Danialla took a deep breath in and started to clean the very royal red bedroom. With it only taking a few minutes, she was humming the Narnian Lullaby. Her green shirt and a brown skirt (which was  a cause that her mother made her do. Thankfully she agreed to let her wear a shirt and skirt) was a mess with food that Danialla’s never seen. She must think it’s mermaid or fairy food. For what she did know, it looked and smelled horrible.

She looked at the clock in meriel’s room and saw that it was an hour since the boys had left. She sighed, praying to Aslan himself that they’ll be alright and not die. She knew how the giants could be.

She then remembered that Peter should be out at his first meeting of that morning and that breakfast was over. She quickly decided that he was in his room or in the royal office. Going to meriel’s bathroom to wash up her clothes and wash her hands, she thought about Al, Trucæ, Edmund, and Dyson’s travels up North. 

As she walks into the royal office first, looking around and doesn’t see any of them. She decided to go up the next floor, which Oreus let her go by (the guards are used to it by now and know she’s no harm). She went to Peter’s room and knocked on his door, “Come in,” his voice said, faintly. Danialla opened the door and looked at Peter. His eyes were red and had bags under them. He must’ve not had much sleep again last night.

She looked around his room (a common thing she has. She has to have clean rooms and all or it drives her insane. That is, unless it's hers). The red and gold was all neat. Out of all of the Pevensies, she never really went into Peter’s room.

“Hey Pete, how was the meeting?” she asked, going to his bed and sat down. He was a little ways away at his desk.

“Well,” he started, Danialla looked at him with confusion, “they agreed with the idea about making the giants go back to their land, although it took more time to find out ways to do so.”

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