"You didn't commit a crime by getting pregnant.You and Taehyung were in love for a very long time and this pregnancy is the proof of your love"

"But instead of nurturing it like I should I want to get rid of it.What does that make me"..

"You have other priorities and committemets to other people"

"What if Taehyung was right.What if this decision haunts me for life?"he asked frantically

"Baby there is still time to reconsider"Mrs Jeon patted his shoulder

"No I'm going.I have to do this"Jungkook said as he jabbed away a tear.

"It's really okay to feel weak sometimes but don't make this mistake of denying yourself motherhood ,you will regret it for sure"

"Everything is already ruined"the omega uttered slowly

Hours later Jungkook found himself in the waiting area in an abortion clinic.He had covered himself so no one would recognize him.Although his mother wasn't in support of his decision she accompanied him.

In no time a nurse came to him.

"It's time Mr Jeon"

"Jungkook please ask yourself if you really want to do this"Mrs Jeon was quick to say.

"I have made up my mind mom"the omega said firmly

"Please come this way so you can change.The doctor will be with you soon and she will start the procedure."the nurse said


Jungkook got changed into a hospital gown and get comfortable on the bed in the room he was ushered to.It had all sorts of equipment Jungkook had never seen before.He looked around just to ease his tension.

Soon a female doctor came to him and greeted him before putting on her gloves.

"Usually we start with an ultrasound and scan before we proceed .We need to make sure that the procedure is safe for the mother"the doctor told Jungkook with a smile


"Another reason is we want you to see your child and hear his heart .You can ask yourself if you really want to go ahead with the procedure afterwards"

"What do most people do?"Jungkook asked

"3 in 5 people change their minds.Maybe you might just be one of them"

"I might"he nodded

"Just because I help people have abortions doesn't mean I don't love children.It's actually the opposite.I have five of them"


"And you know something else they weren't planned but there can never be a dull moment with them.They all have a age difference of two years.My friends talked behind my back saying I give birth like a rat.I didn't feel offended though.If I am able to have children then why not have them.There are those who can't"

"Your friends are really mean"

"I almost got kicked out of med school when I got pregnant with my first child"

"Were you married then?"Jungkook asked

"No I wasn't.My boyfriend even pushed me to have an abortion but I didn't want to.I made things work.I studied from home until I had my baby.My boyfriend and I got married during my pregnancy"


"Kids are beautiful.Once you have one  you will keep wanting more because you can't get used to them.People have different opinions but I'm talking from experience.I love it when we go  out for family picknics ,we fill the entire van.Life with kids is just so beautiful.All the sleepless nights are really worth it"

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