"With her?"the omega's voice cracked

"Whom are you talking about?"

"Forget it.You said that we would never see each other again right.I wish you luck with everything"the smaller said

"Thank you"

Before Jungkook could leave the same doctor walked in.

"Dr Kim.You owe me lunch right.It's time.Let's go.I know a nice place.It's different from the one we went last time"


Jungkook only snickered and went out.His ex wouldnt have moved on from him already.Would he?Taehyung was dying to replace him.Just seeing her made Jungkook realize that it would be hard for him to see the alpha with someone else.

Jungkook heard his stomach growled and frowned.Here he hadn't eaten and Taehyung was taking some random girl to lunch.A part of Jungkook reminded him that he had chose this.His pain was of his own doing.

While walking absent mindedly Jungkook stepped onto a piece of shattered glass.Someone had accidentally dropped it on the floor.

"Ouch"he whimpered and held his foot.He should have watched where he was going but his mind was somewhere

"Are you crazy"an angry voice boomed behind him,startling him.


"Fuck do you want to die that much?"

"Why are you upset.Are you the one who got cut?"the omega yelled

"I don't have time for your attitude.Why didn't you have any footwear on?"

"That's what I wanted.How is that your business?"Jungkook screamed

Taehyung rolled his eyes and picked Jungkook off the ground .He took him to his office and tend to his foot.He gently removed the piece of glass that was stuck in the omega's foot.

"The cut is deep.Just be careful.Drink a lot of fluids"

"For a second I thought you were going to sew my feet"

"I know how much you hate needles"Taehyung smiled lightly

"Don't keep her waiting because of me.Go and have lunch with her"

"That's not your business.Don't you have enough problems in your life already"

"She is pretty"

"Jungkook she is just a friend.She is just like a sister to me.I can't believe you are already getting jealous because of her.She looks up to me as her mentor"

"I thought..."

"Just stop using your head altogetger.You can't think.We both know that"

"I'm sorry"

"Wanna have lunch?"the alpha offered

"But...you were"

"Her boyfriend called.He will be picking her for lunch"


"I heard you haven't been eating in a while.Why is that.You want to starve my baby before you have the abortion"

"Someday you will realize that I made the right decision.I'm not cut out to be anyone's spouse or a parent"

Taehyung become oddly silent after saying that.He was deep in thoughts.Finally he nodded.

"You are always right Jungkook"

"Are we eating in my room?"

"On the roof.No one will see us.Let's order.I will feed you"

Gray (Taekook Omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now