"You were right all along.I am what you said I am.I know my self worth and won't be reduced to a housewife by you"Jungkook spat without a care in the world.

"Then good luck.I wish you a clear conscious after having the abortion.I wish that killing my child won't weigh on your conscience.I hope you won't lose your mind after the hurdle in your life is gone"..

"Stop"Jungkook screamed while covering his ears.

"I wish your career will make you happy.More than I ever could.I hope you will find someone who will love you for who you are even more than I ever could"

"Are you done cursing me?This is all you will ever amount to.Are you that desperate to have me in your life"Jungkook mocked the alpha with every word he uttered

"I fucking love you.I can ignore every other shit you throw at me but don't do this...Please"Taehyung pleaded

"I will ask you if your love is the same after I have aborted your child.Will you still feel the same"Jungkook asked without any emotion.

Taehyung blinked.Jungkook had hit a raw nerve.He really wanted to think that Jungkook not wanting the child was justified since it wasn't planned but would he still love him the same after getting rid of the symbol of their love

"I want you to think about it.Until we will meet again"Jungkook said

"Don't leave"Taehyung said,more like ordered

"I was hesitant about leaving you before but now I'm sure.I don't want you in my life.You have caused more harm than good to me"Jungkook said

"Go but make sure you never have to come back to me.If you do then I will give you just the treatment you deserve.I will slit your throat and feed your body to the wild animals."Taehyung threatened but his gaze was empty

"Your obsession with me is worrying me Taehyung"he snickered

"One more thing after you have aborted my child ,I will tell the media everything.And you know what I mean by everything.Our eight year old relationship ,your abortion.I will also provide the evidence of us being in a relationship.The sex tape I mentioned the other day really exists"

Jungkook slapped Taehyung for the third time without any emotion.Only if looks could kill.He was horrified and didn't know how else to react.

Taehyung laughed out loud like a meniac"I thought you were on your way.Why are you still here.Scared?"

"Non of that scares me.You can't use a sex tape to manipulate me"Jungkook said but felt his confidence diminishing

"How do you know I won't do it.I have nothing to lose but the world will know what a slut you are and just how desperate you are for my cock"the older smirked

"Taehyung shut the fuck up"Jungkook gritted out.He couldn't imagine such a thing happening to him.Not in this lifetime.

"Your fans adore you don't they.They think you are the most innocent being that have walked the face of the planet.How would they react when they find out that I have been fucking you good since you were eighteen.How long has that been?Eight years"Taehyung emitted a maniac laugh

"Taehyung...please don't do this to me"Jungkook was shuttered.He was terrified to even think about how people would treat him after his sex tape gets aired.His entire future will be ruined.His family will never be able to lift their heads in public again.How will he handle people talking at him,judging him and critizing him for the choices he made.Jungkook would be traumatized for sure.The media is cruel.

Taehyung smirked.He had managed to break Jungkook with empty threats.What could he do.This was a father's desperate attempt to save his unborn child.He needed to make Jungkook believe he would really hurt him that way.He tried to be convincing as he could probably be and the omega really bought it.

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