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Merry Christmas my loves 🎁💗

Like any other day, Erwin sat at his usual lunch table with Hange and Levi. Except this time, in silence. Neither of them wanted to address what they were all thinking. Even as Erwin received the frequent death and judgmental stares from the white haired Prince.

Levi couldn't take the tension anymore so with a sigh, he placed his fork down and voiced his thoughts.

"I can't believe you let her leave without saying goodbye"

The commander knew it was coming. Y/n seemed to have had everyone on her side. She was their favourite so of course they all now had it out for him.

"You didn't see what I saw"

Hange rolled her eyes knowing the type of person Erwin was. As someone who was always so confident in himself, being wrong had never once crossed his mind.

"Did you give her a chance to at least explain herself?"

When Erwin remained quiet, she knew he never even intended to hear the other side of the story.

ofcourse he didn't

"What if she really doesn't-"

Hange started, having thoughts of y/n never returning, but Erwin stopped her with a scoff.

"What, come back? That's no longer my problem"

Not wanting to show his suprise, Levi struggled to keep his eyes the same size. He'd never really seen Erwin like this, not with y/n. Though it was highly out of character, it didn't make Levi question his apprentice. Just that the Commander needed some time alone.

"Hey, we're gonna give you some time to just allow yourself to reflect. Really reflect"

He stood up, Hange trailing behind after giving her blonde friend a glance of dissapoiment.

they don't get it

he doesn't get it

Y/n was frustrated on her whole journey, even now being a few hours in. No matter how hard she tried to make sense of her boyfriend's thought process, she just couldn't understand. For her, he had crossed the line. Not when he told her to never come back but when he didn't show up.

had he just let me explain

"But nooooo, because I'm Erwin Smith I can't comprehend ever being wrong"


"Now I hardly believe that's acceptable language"   

Bringing Narsis to a stop, y/n snapped her head around before lowering it when she saw no-one.

motherfucker has me going mad

"False alarm boy, let's keep...."

has M'lady forgotten my voice already

The voice came again but in her head this time. A little smile came to y/n's face with her previously empty mind now heavy. She hadn't recognised him because he had always talked in her head.

how could I, welcome back Beru

happy to be back but we must skip the catch up's. ahead is the one who'll teach you to bend water

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