Offer 15

710 31 22

I'm midst editing so for those who are up-to-date on this book, no new chapters posted until Offer 36

Zeke led Erwin out through a different path than the one he had entered with.

"She's naive as ever isn't she?"

"What do yo-"

Erwin couldn't finish his sentence as a guard hit him in the back of his head, knocking him unconscious. His body dropped to the floor.

"Take him. He may have food and water but Porco gets him 7 hours daily"

The guard nodded and, without bothering to lift him up, dragged Erwin to where Zeke had asked.

"Someone's going to be happy to have their play toy back"

~~~ A week later

With a hood on, Hange swiftly slipped through the town placing posters everywhere.

A secret gathering is to be held for the King's birthday. Gather infront of the Palace tomorrow afternoon and make sure he does not hear of what is taking place or else the suprise will be ruined.

Hange managed to spread nearly 200 of them before making her way back to her office where she then removed the hood. Eversince Levi went down a week ago, she had affiliated herself with the higher ups. In place of the missing commander, attended all meetings and got extra friendly with the members of the government. They'd revealed public hidden information that disgusted her but she'd smile and agree. For days Hange snuck around them and flicked through confidential files that held the Royal Family's bloodline. She noticed something strange, there was no one besides Fritz on it. Hange racked her brain for reasons as to why and only came up with one possible answer.

he's a fraud

Leaving one question. Just who was the real successor of the throne, what bloodline. Her question was quickly answered when she opened another scroll. It illustrated a family tree with the name Rod Reiss as the most recent descendant.

Rod Reiss? Reiss. I've heard that last name before but where?

Starting nowhere in particular, she mentally flipped through a book filled with the names of the soldiers who were apart of of the 104th training camp.

Connie Springer, Annie Leonheart, Historia Reiss, Mika- wait Historia Reiss? 

"The blond who's always with Ymir?"

Is she related to Rod Reiss? 

Through the day, Hange questioned Historia and the truth was revealed. She was infact of Royal blood. Hange also learned that Historia's mother and father had passed away when she was quite young. She was given no explanation as to how they died but Hange speculated the higher ups and Fritz knew alot about it. Shiganshina would need a replacement but Hange wasn't sure if Historia was ready for that. In fact, it looked as if she opposed the idea but the town would crumble without a monarchy.


It was early in the afternoon and Hange had already spread the word amongst every guard. They had been given the next day off due to the secret gathering, that's what she told them at least.

Every regiment had also gotten word. Hange knew Nile wad hard-headed and always looked for the King's approval so she had him detained and put somewhere he couldn't be heard. She, and a select few of the scouts, thoroughly checked the Palace for any remaining guards. Those remaining were taken care of with non-lethal force. The King was now left to be defenseless. All that was left for Hange was to get a hold of Fritz behind the large double doors infront of her.

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