Offer 31

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And which one of you added this story to a Harry Potter reading list? 😭

It'd been little over a week since anyone talked with y/n. She only left her room for food and training before locking herself back in her room for the rest of the day - little interaction made.

Erwin knocked on everyday, multiple times but she never responded to him and gave him an even colder shoulder than the day they met. From her attitude towards everyone, it didn't take him long to realise he wasn't the problem. Even Hange was given the same treatment. Narsis himself grew worried as he was always paid a visit twice a day.

Y/n groaned as another knock came from her door.

just stop

Determined to pull through with her plan, she ignored the sound but it came again.


The voice whined causing her to look up realising it wasn't who she thought it was.

"You aren't going to let me in??"

She rolled her eyes knowing the man could just teleport inside.

"Gojo, leave"

"Ooo, first name? Should I be horny or scared"

For once, his flirting nor sarcasm was the least bit amusing to y/n who went silent. Gojo smiled as he thought to resort to the extreme of blackmail with information y/n wasn't aware he knew of.

"Let me in or I'll tell Erwin you and Na-"

The door clicked open revealing y/n who glared at the prince infront of her.

"So it's true?! You really did-!"

She slapped her hand over his mouth before dragging him in and locking the door again.

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"But you were mad quick to open that door huh"

Not wanting to lie, y/n didn't response. Gojo gasped childishly as he knew her silence only meant one thing.

"No fucking way.....are you serious?"

"It was years ag-"

"I feel so betrayed, you didn't even give me the time of day yet Nanami???"

He scoffed muttering "favourites much" under his breath.

"God knows what I would have caught if I did anything with you, been passed around entire towns"

She took her hood off to show him her face that was scrunched up in judgement and disgust.

"Just say he's the better twin. Go on, break my heart, there's plenty fish in the sea"

Gojo dramatically clutched his chest and wiped his blind fold asif his fake tears could be seen.

"Wait till Erwin gets a load of this"

"Don't be difficult, keep your mouth shut"

"That weird tension and glances between you two the day you left.....this whole time I just thought you got into a silly argument. Father's gonna have his head on a stick for this"

Y/n sighed knowing the King's double standards when it came to the twins but that's just how it was with him expecting greatness from Nanami. He'd already given up on Gojo.

𝔒𝔫 ℌ𝔢𝔯 ℭ𝔬𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔡 - 𝔈.𝔖𝔪𝔦𝔱𝔥Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin