Chapter Twelve - Nightmares

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After a long day of classes, Omega went back to her dorm. In the late hours of the night, Omega fell fast asleep. As Omega fell asleep, she began to toss and turn in her bed. Suddenly, Omega opened her eyes to find herself in a blackened void. Confused, Omega began walking, calling out for help.

Omega: Hello? Anyone?

With each step Omega took, there was a red pulse which pulsates around the void. Suddenly, a voice began whispering in her ears.

???: My kind transcends your very understanding. We are each a nation, independent, free of all weakness. You cannot even grasp the nature of our existence. We are legion. The time of our return is coming. Our numbers will darken the sky of every world. You cannot escape your doom.

As the voice spoke to Omega, the symbol of XANA shines in the void. Seeing this frightened Omega. She could remember XANA taking control of her body. A shadowy manifestation forms from the Eye of XANA and approaches Omega.

XANA: You cannot resist us. Resistance is futile.

As Omega was gripped by fear, she runs away from the manifestation of XANA. Her efforts proved in vain as XANA's manifestation appears before her.

Omega: What....what do you want?!

XANA: We desire order. Organic life is nothing but a genetic mutation, an accident. Your lives are measured in years and decades. You wither and die. We are eternal. The pinnacle of evolution and existence. Before us, you are nothing. Your extinction is inevitable. We are the end of everything. You cannot hope to understand. Neither you or your allies.

Omega: We'll....we'll stop you!

XANA: Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh. You touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. Even you do not understand what you are.

In that moment, Omega was paralyzed with fear as the manifestation of XANA reached out to her. But as the manifestation of XANA was about to grab her, Omega woke up in cold sweat. Omega looked around to find herself alone. After taking a deep breath, Omega exited her room to go to the bathroom. She then splashes cold water on her face to calm her nerves. As she does so, Omega takes a deep breath. Everything that has happened to her so far has taken it's toll on Omega. There was still much of what she didn't understand. But it was clear to her that she was tied to all of this. After a moment, Omega walks back to her room. She then walks over to her computer and plays the message from Omega's mother Nala Se.

Nale Se(Video): Omega, I know you must be confused. It'll all be over soon. Our work will soon be done and we'll finally spend time together. I...I hope you're doing well. I love you, my little Omega.

As Omega watches that video, Omega took a moment to collect her thoughts. She knew that her parents were involved with Lyoko somehow. Despite all these lingering questions, Omega was determined to unravel this mystery. With all that, Omega fell back to sleep. Meanwhile in the late hours of the night, a modified car that speeds all speed limits. In the car was a man named Grigory Nictapolus along with his two ferocious Rottweilers, Hannibal and Scipio. As Grigory drives around the city, Grigory eventually comes upon the Hermitage. Grigory then parks his car and takes his dogs inside. Once inside the Hermitage, Grigory searches the Hermitage. During his search, he finds nothing of note. After searching the Hermitage, Grigory takes out his phone and calls someone.

Grigory: Hey. It's Grigory. I'm at the Hermitage, but there's nothing there. Looks like someone already had their pick of the place.

???(Phone): That's unfortunate. Looks like we'll have to alter our plans. Set up the satellites.

Grigory: What the hell is that supposed to do? You told me to search the place.

???(Phone): As I said, I'm altering the plans. In the trunk of the car I have provided you are multiple satellite dishes. Set them around the Hermitage. The programming of the satellites have already been taken care of. All that needs to be done is setting them up.

As the plan was changed, Grigory was annoyed. He pulls out a flask and takes a sip out of it. Left with no other choice, Grigory walks to the car and begins setting up the satellites all across the Hermitage. Setting them proved difficult, but he was able to get the job done. After setting up the satellites, Grigory calls his boss.

Grigory: The satellites are set up. Now what?

???(Phone): Now we wait, Mr. Nictapolus. Those satellites are programmed to pick up any anomalies. Once it detects an anomaly, it will pinpoint the anomaly's location and that's when you move in. Is that clear, Mr. Nictapolus?

Grigory: Whatever. As long as I'm getting paid.

???(Phone): It will be some time before an anomaly occurs. For now, we will wait. And don't worry. You'll be paid substantially once the job is done.

With that, Grigory Nictapolus sets up in the Hermitage along with his dogs. While this was far from ideal, at least he was in a big house. In that moment, the mysterious man had begun moving forward with this plans. Using the Hermitage as a base of operations and Grigory Nictapolus as an inside man, the mysterious man had the means to tracking down any leads to Franz Hopper's Supercomputer and by in large, Lyoko.

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