11. Sister Mihriban

Start from the beginning

"No, Can, there really is Mihriban! Look!" Can turned around without letting go of Sanem.

At that point Mihriban, spoke in tears. "Can! Sanem! My children! How I have missed you!"

He ran towards them and hugged them both tightly.

"It is such a joy and relief to see you again!"

"Mihriban, how are you?" Can then asked once freed from that embrace.

"I missed you too a lot, Mihriban." Said Sanem. "You don't know how much!"

Mihriban recomposed himself. "I am fine all things considered. You had me slaving away, huh? But I know what your plan was! Deniz confessed it to me. I thank you. I must say it helped... if I hadn't been busy I would have been bored to death without anyone."

"Ah, Mihriban! Don't say that!" exclaimed Sanem.

"But forget about me! But you? Show yourselves in all your glory! Ah! You guys are such Greek gods! How you have changed! You are even more beautiful, if possible!"

"So tanned! Long, sun-bleached hair! Wow guys, what can I say... you should be models at this point!"

"Ah, Mihriban you are too good! We find you good too, don't we Can?"

"Ah, yes, and a lot! The agency suits you!" he joked.

"Thank you, too good!"

"The agency will also donate me, but the garden and the estate have suffered from your absence. Did you see that?"

"Yes, in fact we set to work immediately. Sanem wanted to free Can the scarecrow from the ecosystem around it."

"Ah... I see." Said Mihriban looking at Can with a puzzled look.

"Mihriban? Can I ask you a question? Who was it that put the k-way on Can the dolma?"

"Can the dolma?"

"Ah, long story... Sorry, I meant to say Can the scarecrow!"

"Ah, it was Cey Cey's idea.... and Muzo helped him, of course! I had told them I would move it inside the house, but they preferred it that way! They said, "Sanem doesn't want Can to be moved by others!" And in the end I gave in!" he admitted.

"Did you see?" said Can to Sanem.

"Bravo, you were right." Sanem turned to Mihriban. "Can had said so, but I wanted confirmation from you."

"E... you guys must tell me everything! How was the journey back? What is it like to return to dry land after so long? Did you find my card when you arrived?

Did you settle in ok? Are you missing anything? Tell me! I am dying of curiosity!"

"Sister Mihriban, calm down! Take it easy! Breathe!"

"Agency effect," whispered Can imperceptibly to Sanem.

"Can," Sanem said with a lip. "Don't say that."

"I'm so excited and delighted to see you again, I'm so excited!"

"Come Mihriban." said Can "Let's sit inside. We'll make ourselves comfortable, talk and have a quiet dinner."

Can and Sanem took her under her arms, either side and escorted her home. While Can poured drinks for everyone, Sanem set the table. Mihriban wanted to contribute to the couple by preparing food herself. A welcoming gesture, as she called it.As each person carried out their task, they talked lovingly as at a classic family dinner! They had so much to catch up on! Can informed her that it was Sanem who had led the boat on the return journey.

Surprised Mihiriban replied: 'Really? I don't believe it! Well done, child! Then the lessons of yesteryear were of some use."

Sanem told her about the Galapagos, Italy, Spain and all the places they had been.

They both told her that it was not so strange to return to dry land after all, in fact, it was literally like coming home. They told her that they had found her note and at that point, Mihriban apologised to them. She realised that the message was a bit generic, as a precaution, she said, because in case the note was suddenly found by others, at least they would not understand the receivers.

Can and Sanem thanked her for her prudence, and for her welcome. And so the dinner continued. And between chats they got onto the subject of work.


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