Chapter 7: Please Be Our Guest!

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Susie: Oh, no!

Bandana Dee: Oh, yes!

Susie: Oh, no!

Bandana Dee: Oh, yes, yes, yes!

Susie: I've been burnt by you before!

(Bandana Dee and Susie have emerged and he takes her in his arms. Suddenly he looks up and sees Meta Knight walking down the hall. He drops Susie.)

Susie: Oof!

Bandana Dee: Zut alors! He has emerged!

(Cut to the kitchen, where we find Sailor Dee, Morpho Knight, Kirby and Chef Kawasaki.)

Morpho Knight: Come on, Kirby. Into the cupboard. (helping him in)

Kirby: (yawning) But I'm not sleepy.

Morpho Knight: Yes, you are.

Kirby: No, I'm...not. (He falls asleep and Morpho Knight shuts the cupboard door.)

(A banging of pots and pans comes from Chef Kawasaki.)

Chef Kawasaki: I work and I slave all day, and for what? A culinary masterpiece gone to waste.

Morpho Knight: Oh, stop your grousing. It's been a long night for all of us.

Sailor Dee: Well, if you ask me, he was just being stubborn. After all, he did say 'please.'

Morpho Knight: But if the master doesn't learn to control that temper, he'll never break the--

(Meta Knight enters, and Sailor Dee cuts off Morpho Knight before he can say 'spell.')

Sailor Dee: (interrupting) Splendid to see you out and about, Monsieur. (Bandana Dee came running in.) I am Sailor, head of the household. (He leans over to kiss his hand, but Bandana Dee butts in front of him.) This is Bandana.

Bandana Dee: En chante, cherie.

Sailor Dee: (trying to talk around Bandana Dee who is still kissing Meta Knight's hand) If there's...stop that...anything that we...please (finally shoving him out of the way)...can do to make your stay more comfortable. (Bandana Dee burns the hand of Sailor Dee) Ow!!!!

Meta Knight: I am a little hungry.

Morpho Knight: (excited, to the other tea pots) You are? Hear that? He's hungry. Stoke the fire, break out the silver, wake the china.

(The fire of Chef Kawasaki roars to life, and drawers open to reveal silverware standing at attention.)

Sailor Dee: (secretively) Remember what the master said.

Morpho Knight: Oh, pish tosh. I'm not going to let the poor child go hungry.

Sailor Dee: (thinking he is giving in to the ultimate demand) Oh, all right. Glass of water, crust of bread, and then--

Bandana Dee: Sailor, I am surprised at you. He's not our prisoner. He's our guest! We must make him feel welcome here. (to Meta Knight) Right this way, Monsieur.

Sailor Dee: Well keep it down. If the master finds out about this, it will be our necks!

Bandana Dee: Of course, of course. But what is dinner without a little music?

(Bandana Dee has started out the swinging door. He lets it close, and the door hits Sailor Dee and sends him across the room to land in a pan filled with (what looks like) pancake batter. He screams his line as he is in flight.)

Sailor Dee: MUSIC?!

(Cut to the dining room, where Meta Knight is seated at the end of a long table. Bandana Dee is on the table and a spotlight shines on him.)

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