Chapter 4: Meta's Trade

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Art by superana-things75

Meta Knight: What is this place?

(Landia growls, then begins to shake as if something is scaring her. Meta Knight dismounts and comforts her.)

Meta Knight: Landia, please, steady. (He enters the gate and sees Galacta Knight's cape on the ground.) Papa.

(Cut to interior of castle with Sailor Dee and Bandana Dee discussing events.)

Sailor Dee: Couldn't keep quiet, could we? Just had to invite him to stay, didn't we? Serve him tea, sit in the master's chair, pet the pooch.

Bandana Dee: I was trying to be hospitable.

(Cut back to the door opening and Meta Knight entering the castle.)

Meta Knight: Hello? Is anyone here? Hello? Papa? Papa, are you here?

(We follow as Meta Knight ascends the grand staircase and searches for his father. Cut to the kitchen where Morpho Knight is standing next to a tub of hot water. Kirby hops in.)

Kirby: Dad. There's a boy in the castle!

Morpho Knight: Now, Kirby, I won't have you making up such wild stories.

Kirby: But really, dad, I saw him.

Morpho Knight: (Disgusted) Not another word. Into the tub. (He lifts Kirby into the tub. Susie enters)

Susie: A boy! I saw a boy in the castle!

Kirby: (poking his head out from the water) See, I told ya!

(Cut back to Bandana Dee and Sailor Dee bickering)

Sailor Dee: Irresponsible, devil-may-care, waxy eared, slack-jawed--

Meta Knight: Papa?

(Sailor Dee and Bandana Dee turn to look at the new arrival)

Bandana Dee: Did you see that? (Running to the door and poking his head around the corner with Sailor Dee) It's a boy!

Sailor Dee: I know it's a boy.

Bandana Dee: Don't you see? He's the one. The boy we have been waiting for. He has come to break the spell! (He chases after him.)

Sailor Dee: Wait a minute, wait a minute!

(Meta Knight advances down a narrow hallway. Sailor Dee and Bandana Dee sneak up behind him and open the door that leads to the tower where Galacta Knight is being kept. The door creaks open and Meta Knight hears the sound)

Meta Knight: Papa? Papa? (Sailor Dee hides behind the door and Bandana Dee rushes off.) Hello? Is someone here? Wait! I'm looking for my father! (He begins up the stairs, but doesn't realize that Bandana Dee is watching him.) That's funny, I'm sure there was someone... I-I-Is there anyone here?

(Galacta Knight's voice echoes from his cell)

Galacta Knight: Meta?

Meta Knight: Papa! (Rushes up to the cell to find him)

Galacta Knight: How did you find me?

Meta Knight: Oh, your hands are like ice. We have to get you out of here.

Galacta Knight: Meta, I want you to leave this place.

Meta Knight: Who's done this to you?

Galacta Knight: No time to explain. You must!

Meta Knight: I won't leave you!

(Suddenly, King Dedede grabs Meta Knight's shoulder and whips him around. He drops the torch he was carrying into a puddle and the room is dark except for one beam of light from a skylight.)

King Dedede: What are you doing here?

Galacta Knight: Run, Meta!

Meta Knight: Who's there? Who are you?

King Dedede: The master of this castle.

Meta Knight: I've come for my father. Please let him out! Can't you see he's sick?

King Dedede: Then he shouldn't have trespassed here.

Meta Knight: But he could die. Please, I'll do anything!

King Dedede: There's nothing you can do. He's my prisoner.

Meta Knight: Oh, there must be some way I can...wait! (pause) Take me, instead!

King Dedede: You! You would take his place?

Galacta Knight: Meta, no! You don't know what you're doing!

Meta Knight: If I did, would you let him go?

King Dedede: Yes, but you must promise to stay here forever.

(Meta Knight ponders the situation and realizes he can't see the captor)

Meta Knight: Come into the light.

(King Dedede drags his legs, then his whole body into the beam of light. Meta Knight looks, his eyes growing wider until he can stand no more and falls back to Galacta Knight.)

Galacta Knight: No, Meta. I won't let you do this!

(Meta Knight regains his composure, then steps into the beam of light, giving him a very virgin-ish look)

Meta Knight: You have my word.

King Dedede: (quickly) Done!

(King Dedede moves over to unlock the cell, and Meta Knight collapses to the floor with his head in his hands. We hear the door being unlocked, then Galacta Knight rushing over to Meta Knight.)

Galacta Knight: No, Meta. Listen to me. I'm old, I've lived my life--

(King Dedede grabs him and drags him downstairs)

Meta Knight: Wait!

Galacta Knight: Meta!

Meta Knight: Wait!

(Cut to ext. of castle. King Dedede drags Galacta Knight towards the Palanquin)

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